XPX Long Island - Case Study: The Way Forward/Creating a Strategic Plan | Part Two (Operations, Hiring, Marketing & Sales)
We continue our case study of HiTech Service Company: Planning for the Future.
HiTech Service Co., a provider of specialized technology solutions for the high-tech industry, was founded 20 years ago by a group of college friends. Over time, the founders’ evolving attitudes have contributed to the erosion of what was once a strong company culture.
The company is now at a crossroads. Without a succession plan in place, a recent attempt to sell the business to AI Tech Me Corp fell through. HiTech must now tackle several critical challenges, including:
- Professionalizing its management structure
- Scaling its operations
- Revitalizing its company culture
- Adding key sales and sourcing professionals
- Addressing a buyout for Bill, a founder without an operating agreement, who is seeking a high-valuation exit.
This panel discussion will focus on three vital areas: Marketing & Sales, Operations, and Hiring the Right People.
Click here read the case study in preparation for our meeting.
Richard Strautman
Stony Hill Advisors, Inc
Our Speakers:
Michael Silva
Mary Simmons
VP, HR Compliance
Asure Software
Pete Fasulo
VP Sales Leadership Programs
Sandler Training
Registration Fees:
Long Island & Tri-State Members in good standing are free. Join our membership today!
Non-Members Early Bird (through 2/4) – $75.00
Non-members Regular Fee – $90.00
Non-members Same Day/Walk-in Fee - $100
XPX Chapter Network Members Early Bird (through 2/4) – $55.00
XPX Chapter Network Members Regular Fee - $75.00
XPX Chapter Network Members Same Day/Walk-in Fee – $85.00
Includes breakfast and beverages.
First Time Guest: Complimentary pass for potential members to a first XPX event. Member referral is required. Member (not guest) must email angie@exitplanningexchange.com to register a FIRST TIME guest.
Cancellation Policy: You may request to cancel your registration for a full refund, up to 72 hours before the date and time of the event. The sale is final after the 72 hour deadline. We are unable to issue a credit towards another meeting. This registration is NOT transferable to another individual - no substitutes please.