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In this video, Kevin Comer of Vision Government focuses on how the company became a national player by planning to be noticed on a much larger scale. Vision Government Solutions Inc. is a company that sells software to local governments. Kevin joined the company in 1986 as a sales person and was quickly promoted to…

Mallozzi takes us through the steps of his exit experience. His first step was announcing his final decision to retire from the agency. His shares were divided and Mallozzi was issued a long-term note payable over the next 5-6 years. As long as the company performs well, Mallozzi’s payout is secure. He remains involved with…

Gibbs & Soell enjoyed a remarkably fluid succession to its third generation, supported by a carefully crafted and respected shareholders’ agreement. Because of the nature of the agreement as a “buy-in, sell-out” succession plan, Mallozzi talks about how company shares were flowing in and out throughout the transition. Although everything worked out well, Mallozzi has…

Cos Mallozzi, a recently retired CEO at Gibbs & Soell, started out as a junior accounting executive over 35 years ago. Mallozzi explains how he saw his path to becoming the CEO of Gibbs & Soell after he exercised his right to buy shares of the company. Succession planning is part of the Gibbs &…

A 10-year succession plan was put in place with perfect timing. Within 5 years of completing an agreement to purchase the business, their father passed away from cancer. The Noonan’s are grateful for their father’s sense of planning and a commitment to an orderly succession. Bill, Philip and their father composed a well thought out…

The transition from a research firm to an investment management firm worked out very well for Contravisory. The business transitioned smoothly and grew. Shortly after shifting the strategic focus to investment management, Bill and Philip Noonan began discussing the succession of the company in depth. The brothers concentrated on customer relationships to develop a loyal…

Bill and Philip Noonan of Contavisory Investment Management talk about the influence their father had on the family business. As Philip and Bill became involved in the company around 1998 while it was still a research firm, they immediately took a close look at the strategic plan, which ultimately lead to a shift in the…