Ryan Leo, Big Fish Technology, and Scott Siegel, Beacon Sales Advisors and Momentum CPG on “ProfitSense”


Ryan Leo, Partner at Big Fish Technology, and Scott Siegel, Founder of Beacon Sales Advisors and Momentum CPG, joined host Bill McDermott on this episode of ProfitSense with Bill McDermott. 

Ryan discussed managed service providers, how they came about, how to know when you need one, and the background beyond the Big Fish Technology name. Scott discussed his deep experience in sales, how Beacon equips companies to stay competitive through being efficient and effective, creating a roadmap to success, what that success looks like, and much more.

ProfitSense with Bill McDermott is produced and broadcast by the North Fulton Studio of Business RadioX® in Alpharetta.

Check out the full interview: https://businessradiox.com/podcast/profitsense/big-fish-technology-beacon-sales-advisors-momentum-cpg/

Updated: 10:54 am

About the author
Bill McDermott of The Profitability Coach is a member of XPX Atlanta

Business owners have a big vision for their company & want to move forward, but don’t know how. I help identify hurdles getting in the way & create a path to profitability they never thought possible.