Connect with the Industry’s Most Powerful Group of Professional Advisors
Private company clients need access to a trusted team of advisors to marshal them to through the various stages of the business lifecycle. The XPX member directory is where you can find a diverse group of experts – and they can find you.
It’s easy to find an expert by using the search box or these handy directories to choose from 12 professions, 75+ areas of functional expertise and 20 client industry categories. Feel free to reach out to the advisors with the expertise you seek. Contact us for further assistance.
Filtered by:
Call Me When... You need to do the due diligence work ahead of a transition of your ownership interest in a business enterprise in the next 1-3 years.
Call Me When... You encounter a business owner who would benefit from an independent review of an existing retirement plan (401K, profit sharing, cash balance), or looking to start a new plan.
Call Me When... a valuation is needed. I perform valuations for gift and estate tax purposes, financial reporting, fairness/solvency, and healthcare compliance.
Call Me When... You are seeking insurance solutions to protect business and family assets. Our key liability coverage segments are: Construction, Real Estate, Retail, and Personal Home/Auto/Umbrella.
Call Me When... Wealth planning, Financing, Strategic Credit, Escrow setup, Strategic guidance, Pre and Post Exit Planning, M&A guidance
Call Me When... A client needs a valuation and/or support for a potential transaction and would like to work with a collaborative advisor.
Call Me When... you are seeking financing to buy our sell a business.
Call Me When... A business wants to maximize its value BEFORE they sell. We are an outsourced CFO firm that helps businesses increase their value leading up to an exit.
Call Me When... You have you have a client who has a question related to planning for an exit to bounce it off me.
Call Me When... A company wants to (1) benchmark their spend (complementary), (2) Optimize indirect costs to improve profits (3) Optimize indirect costs in a transaction situation (either buying or selling)
Call Me When... a business owner wants to increase the business multiple
Call Me When... you need financial or tax due diligence services (buy-side or sell-side) in conjunction with an M&A transaction, from a reliable, experienced and responsive CPA.
Call Me When... You need tech expert, in Cyber, Mobile, due diligence.
Call Me When... An owner is contemplating or has completed a sale or transfer of their company. My team and I provide advice and planning around the impact of the sale to their personal financial management.
Call Me When... Seeking strategic or tactical CFO support (part-time, interim or consulting) or M&A and exit planning transaction advisory
Call Me When... a privately held company needs help with traditional CFO financial planning and analysis, controls, strategic planning and transition planning.
Call Me When... I am a family business advisor and offer strategic
Call Me When... Whenever a Company is looking for information about ESOPs or when shareholder in a privately-held business is looking for a liquidity event.
Call Me When... You are or know an owner/owners of closely held business that needs trustworthy advice regarding: Trust and Estate planning, Succession planning, advice on selling their closely held businesses at any stage from years away to an uninvited offer.
Call Me When... CPA -Specializing in QOE, Due Diligence, Consulting & Tax Strategies, Technology Transformation,
Call Me When... There is distressed financial performance threatening the business, debt negotiation and restructuring, refinancing or a sale
Call Me When... Raising capital, Thinking about an exit, transitioning to the next generation.
Call Me When... If you have any accounting, audit, tax and/or advisory needs in either the commercial or non profit space please reach out.
Call Me When... I'm available 24/7
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Chapter Events
Tri-State Gold Sponsors
Tri-State Silver Sponsors
Buy or sell-side due diligence is needed. You need a part-time or interim CFO.The CFO needs to improve accounting operationsThe company needs a new accounting system.
Tri-State Bronze Sponsors
Business owners need to prepare their financial, operational and technical systems for a sale and when buyers have identified an acquisition target for diligence.
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
You are seeking financing to buy a business, or to pre-qualify a business for an upcoming sale.
you or your client seeks patient capital for expansion, acquisition, equipment, real estate and/or a second opinion on current financing strategy and structure.
Bronze Sponsors
You need a professional to discuss your business ownership exit planning options.
A business owner is contemplating a transaction (Financing, Sale or Acquisition), even years in advance of a transaction so we can help the owner maximize shareholder value.