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Chapter Events
Tri-State Gold Sponsors

Tri-State Silver Sponsors

You need help navigating complexity and want to pre-experience wealth creation decisions.

Buy or sell-side due diligence is needed. You need a part-time or interim CFO.The CFO needs to improve accounting operationsThe company needs a new accounting system.

Shareholders of a family-owned or closely held business are at or approaching a transition point relative to transferring ownership, management and/or control of the business.

Buy and Sell-Side Due Diligence, Outsourced Finance/Accounting, Digital Transformation (ERP, CRM, etc.)
Tri-State Bronze Sponsors

Business owners need to prepare their financial, operational and technical systems for a sale and when buyers have identified an acquisition target for diligence.

your client is seeking financing during all stages of their business life cycle around expansion, equipment, real estate, working capital, and purchasing or selling their business