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Our leaders demonstrate their dedication to the XPX mission and our local community by pitching in to ensure we have the best people in the room sharing the best content. They are role models for the kind of collaboration and long-term thinking that our members value. Please reach out to any of our leaders to learn how you too can gain visibility and influence as a volunteer for our chapter.
Leader Directory
Call Me When... Valuation, succession planning, pre or post transaction needs, need for new accountant, tax support, restructuring, financial risk management
Call Me When... Call me when....clients are approaching a liquidity event.
Call Me When... We are an M&A firm that specializes in business sales and exit strategies for small business owners with our "sweet spot" being companies with revenues between $5 million to $25 million.
Call Me When... you are seeking financing to buy our sell a business.
Call Me When... need financial planning for buy or sell side transactions
Call Me When... Business owners need to prepare their financial, operational and technical systems for a sale and when buyers have identified an acquisition target for diligence.
Call Me When... You are looking to maximize the value of your business by selling your company, making an acquisition or looking to raise debt or equity.
Call Me When... you are looking for employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) options for your company.
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Chapter Events
Tri-State Gold Sponsors
Tri-State Silver Sponsors
Buy or sell-side due diligence is needed. You need a part-time or interim CFO.The CFO needs to improve accounting operationsThe company needs a new accounting system.
Tri-State Bronze Sponsors
Business owners need to prepare their financial, operational and technical systems for a sale and when buyers have identified an acquisition target for diligence.