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We’re entering our second program year and applaud the vibrant community of advisors to privately-held businesses that we have grown and continue to develop. We are a collaborative group of professionals from Long Island who serve business owners to improve outcomes and experiences when contemplating an exit.
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If you are an advisor to owners and managers of companies in the lower middle market, XPX can be a powerful learning network for you! Our members represent twelve different professions but share core principles of collaboration, putting the client first, thinking long term, considering the human angle and continuous learning. Learn more about our membership benefits and options.
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So you are thinking of selling your business… or someone you know is. Before you even look at an offer there are steps you should be taking. Check out the link to my LinkedIn video on the first step. Planning Well In Advance.
The decisions employers make regarding their benefits offerings during this period of economic uncertainty will likely have lasting impacts on their finances, their employees’ expectations, and their ability to attract and retain talent — all of which can affect the organization’s overall health. To ensure continued success, employers should critically evaluate each and every area of operations, including employee benefits. Zeroing in on this particular piece of the operational puzzle can help you uncover opportunities for cost savings that could potentially impact your organization’s bottom line. The following recommendations offer actionable strategies employers can implement today to maximize their benefits program and support operations in lean times. Re-Evaluate Plan Designs To bolster the overall cost-effectiveness of their operations, many employers are taking this opportunity to re-evaluate their health plan designs and offerings to ensure maximum savings. Some organizations are shifting to self-funded or partially self-funded health plans, while others are leveraging health reimbursement arrangements or health savings accounts to incentivize employees to make financially smart healthcare choices. Our Building a Year-Round Communications Strategy. Create a Comprehensive Benefits Package During tough economic times, employers may have to cut back on benefits. But organizations can still support employees with mental health resources, financial wellness programs, and a wider range of voluntary benefits. Thinking outside the box and leveraging cost-effective employee benefits can help preserve the quality of your offerings while freeing up funds for other operational areas needing additional support during an economic slowdown.
CBIZ Health Care Survey Shows Employers Prioritize Recruiting and Retaining Talent in Hot Job Market Survey also finds employers are prioritizing stemming the rising costs of medical plans and the inclusion of mental healthcare services Business Wire CLEVELAND — March 15, 2023 CBIZ (NYSE: CBZ), a leading national provider of insurance, financial and advisory services, released its inaugural 2023 State of Health Care survey that shows recruiting talent (67%) and retaining talent (64%) as top priorities for employers, trends driven by a hot job market despite concerns of a recession later this year. The State of Health Care survey includes responses from 869 businesses with at least 100 employees, spanning 41 states and 26 industries. The survey provides insight into employer priorities, top health plan features, and emerging mental and physical health benefit trends to watch through the remainder of 2023. “Employers continue to show an eagerness for recruiting the best and the brightest talent and to identify and retain those employees who have the best growth trajectory,” said Jay Meschke, President of CBIZ Talent & Compensation Solutions. “Since 2020, employers have had to respond quickly to drastic shifts in social and economic conditions and this year will be no different.” Controlling medical costs is a top priority for 49% of businesses. This comes as industry experts project a six to eight percent increase in employers’ health care costs due to rebounding utilization, or rising use of medical providers, and the rise in prescription drug costs. Cost-containment strategies businesses are implementing include reference-based pricing, alternative funding arrangements and enhanced use of telemedicine. Polly Thomas, Business Unit President, Employee Benefits added: “The survey showed that emerging trends and the priorities in the health care and benefits spaces are changing. This data will serve as a guide for businesses looking to modernize their benefits programs that mitigate risks and costs, while improving their employees’ health care experience.” The data was assessed from an overall perspective, as well as based on company size and industry. An interactive infographic with the results is available on the CBIZ website. Additional key findings include: * Almost 35% of employers that don’t offer mental health wellbeing resources through their plans are open to considering options – Despite opting to provide coverage plans that do not offer certain mental health services, nearly 35% of businesses indicated they would like to learn more about offerings for mental health programs. Interest surpassed consideration of other offerings like weight management (18.7%) and financial wellbeing (14.7%). * The majority of businesses provide mental health resources for their employees – 80 percent of employers offer mental health resources through an employee assistance program, while 68 percent provide counseling through their medical plans. * Nearly two in three businesses offer a wellbeing program for employees – With retaining talent being the second most valued priority for the employers surveyed, 61.9% are looking to attract and retain high-performing employees in part by offering a comprehensive benefits program that includes a wellbeing component. * 82% of employers include options for virtual behavioral health consultations – Employers are providing workers with increased options to meet with their medical professionals, both as a convenience and to help mitigate health and safety concerns amid the ongoing impact of COVID-19.
The economic rebound has made the competition for skilled, technical professionals more challenging. A May 2021 report from Robert Half stated that 93% of companies are struggling to find skilled staff—meanwhile, current conditions for business growth and transformation can’t be missed. In finance, talent shortages have been no small challenge for today’s CFO. Dynamic companies are seizing low-interest rates to pursue M&A growth. Finance teams are racing to embrace tax savings opportunities brought on by new legislation. At the same time, there are more pressing risks in the new operating environment as information security protocols catch up to the ever-increasing use of technology and management grapples with the ramifications of hybrid work models. How to manage talent shortages requires a new plan of action. As finance teams work to become more dynamic, they have to focus more on the big picture than ever before, leading to another trend – supplementing teams through co-sourcing and outsourcing. IBISWorld published a sector report in April 2021 that states that outsourcing will grow to a mammoth $143.5 billion business by 2024. What’s driving that? Growing complexity with accounting standards Changes in tax codes, domestic reporting, and compliance requirements Needs to streamline and automate processes Changing requirements for management reporting from myriad systems to inform decision making The uptick in M&A and transaction activity Staffing shortages or lack of resources with specialized knowledge or expertise Need for financing to fuel growth Significant expansion of the hybrid work model Increasing phishing scams, ransomware, and cyber-attacks Reduction in internal audit budgets and staff The boom of companies going public The talent shortage in cybersecurity Join other CFOs looking for alternate ways to maintain their core functions while finding time and resources with the knowledge to evolve processes and systems to stage the next chapter for their company. Download the full guide to assess what ideas and solutions will benefit your company. CFO_Outsourcing_Guide_2_Digital (2).pdf
Benchmarking benefits plans during a M&A acquisition in the middle market can provide several advantages, including: Identify cost savings opportunities: By comparing benefits plans with industry benchmarks, it is possible to identify cost savings opportunities that can help optimize benefit plans and reduce overall costs. Ensure competitive benefits: Benchmarking can help ensure that the benefits being offered to employees are competitive and attractive, which can help retain talent and increase employee satisfaction. Facilitate integration: By benchmarking the benefits plans of both companies, it is possible to identify areas of alignment and opportunities for integration, which can help streamline the process and reduce redundancies. Mitigate risk: Benchmarking can help identify potential compliance issues, legal risks, or other areas of concern related to benefits plans, which can be addressed proactively to mitigate risk. Establish clear communication: Benchmarking can help establish clear communication between the companies involved in the M&A acquisition, which can help build trust and facilitate a smooth transition.
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have become an influential business strategy as leaders look for opportunities to accelerate growth and gain market share. As these transactions happen in a more condensed time frame than ever, all parties are rushed to perform proper due diligence. Don’t let a merger or acquisition void your insurance coverage, The following are potential hidden M&A insurance risks and liabilities you should consider. Accept a Seller’s Liability A pressed M&A process increases the buyer’s risk of neglecting the seller’s liabilities. The responsibility for alleged or actual wrongful acts does not terminate with the transfer of ownership. These exposures can exist for many years following the transaction. The type of sale determines the extent to which liabilities are assumed. A seller retains possession of the legal entity and its liabilities in an asset sale. Only individual assets (e.g., equipment, trade secrets, inventory, licenses) and their accompanying liabilities are transferred to the buyer. Asset purchases are preferred as they reduce the likelihood of future contract disputes, product warranty issues, or product liability claims. In a stock sale, the buyer purchases the selling shareholders’ stock directly and obtains ownership of the seller’s complete legal entity, including all accompanying liabilities. Stock sales present more risk for buyers as there is a potential for future lawsuits, environmental concerns, employee issues, or
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Shareholders of a family-owned or closely held business are at or approaching a transition point relative to transferring ownership, management and/or control of the business.

Buy and Sell-Side Due Diligence, Outsourced Finance/Accounting, Digital Transformation (ERP, CRM, etc.)

Buy or sell-side due diligence is needed. You need a part-time or interim CFO.The CFO needs to improve accounting operationsThe company needs a new accounting system.
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your client is seeking financing during all stages of their business life cycle around expansion, equipment, real estate, working capital, and purchasing or selling their business

Business owners need to prepare their financial, operational and technical systems for a sale and when buyers have identified an acquisition target for diligence.
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