Produced by XPX New York in November 2016
Human Capital is one of the most important, if not the most valuable asset that most businesses possess. This maxim is especially true for those businesses preparing a for a sale. Key employees need to be properly incentivized to remain with the business and to expend that extra effort to improve the bottom line in anticipation of the sale.
In the presentation, Harvey Katz will discuss the types of incentive arrangements available to HiTech, together with the tax attributes. and the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. He will go through a typical process that should be utilized by employers to design and implement a compensation program likely to attract and retain key employees. This will involve a methodical process to understand the character its workforce, by age, demographic and position, and then to select to the programs that are suitable for each identifiable group.

Harvey Katz, Partner, Co-Chair Employee Benefits & Compensation Department, Fox Rothschild LLP