Welcome to Our New Website!


We can’t wait for you to experience the cleaner, brighter and more user-friendly feel of our new platform!

The site is designed to give you and your company greater visibility. Here are three things you should know:

  1. Emails from XPX will now come from my.exitplanningexchange.com—please adjust your email settings!
  2. Your new profile can have a higher resolution photo and logo—please log in (upper right) to add those now!
  3. We’ll be hosting drop-by visibility trainings in September—be on the lookout for an announcement with exact dates!

Have issues or questions? Please email me at cheryl@exitplanningexchange.com

Updated: 2:35 pm

About the author
Cheryl Centeno of XPX Global is a member of XPX

You'd like to learn more about XPX and increase your visibility as a member.