XPX Marketplace – Find expert advisors (this can be you!)


The XPX Marketplace is an open resource available to advisors and owners. There are three different directories in the Marketplace:

  1. Advisors – Drawn from XPX members across all our chapters
  2. Sponsors – Includes premium sponsors to XPX Chapters
  3. Tools – Features certification, training and tool companies that support the private company market.

We are especially excited about the search capabilities in the Advisor Marketplace.

You can quickly find the right advisor through a simple Keyword Search, an Advanced Search or the Quick Filter (seen above) to find Advisors by:

  • Chapter – Including all six chapters
  • Profession – Including twelve different professions
  • Functional Expertise – Including over 70 specific areas of expertise
  • Client Industry –  Including 20 industry categories

Take a quick look at the Quick Filter and you’ll get an idea of the diversity of private company advisors who join XPX. These directories can make it easy for business owners and their advisors to zero in on the perfect expert to support the growth and transition of business value as well the life and legacy of the business owner.

Are you an XPX Member? Make sure you optimize your profile on the site by logging into our site, clicking on your name in the upper right hand corner and then “view my profile.” Need help? Check out our the Help section of our website or Contact Us.

Not an XPX Member yet? Take advantage of these great opportunities to be featured as an expert in the private company market—join now!

Updated: Dec 1, 2015

About the author
Tony Hill of Trivest Partners is a member of XPX
