XPX On Line – Check out our new website!


XPX is the only open advisor network in the private company/business value transfer market. This means that we do not advocate a single approach or vendor. Instead, we endeavor to be a place where all advisors, owners and vendors can interact and collaborate.

We walk our talk with our New Website where we feature:

  • Marketplaces – Where you can search for Advisors, Sponsors and Tool Providers, all with diverse areas of expertise in the private company market

  • Knowledge Exchange Where our Members and Sponsors share their expertise with our full community

  • Chapters – Full websites for each of the XPX Chapters. We now have six chapters and we’re still growing!

This is actually the third generation of our web presence. XPX has been around for close to a decade and with each new version of our site, we lead the market in in creating more and more opportunities for our members to raise their on-line presence through robust profiles, content sharing and searchable directories.

If you’re a member, be sure to check out the Help Section for any questions about how to take advantage of this great opportunity and optimize your on-line presence.  If you’re not a member, Join Now to raise your profile on line!

Updated: 4:35 pm

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