Ken Nixon

Call Me When… Organizations need to save money and time so they can improve their EBITDA

There is significant evidence that supply chains have “normalized.” Delivery times are fast and overall demand is low. Many companies are now looking at “longer-term” supply chain planning and changes. Some of these changes include multi-sourcing and digitizing supply chain operations. Geopolitical events and resulting tariffs/sanctions could quickly change the supply chain landscape, however, so…

Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA) are looking at numerous ways to help companies save money and improve processes in an inflationary environment. One of ERA’s most successful verticals in assisting companies with their freight costs. Need: Business leaders are looking at unique ways to combat inflation and reduce freight costs. Solution: ERA’s freight specialists put forward 10 unique…

Expense Reduction Analysts is pleased to announce that the whitepaper, entitled “Driving Enterprise Value Through Cost Management” has officially launched today. Please click on the link below to receive a copy of the report.       CFO-ERA-Whitepaper_Driving-Enterprise-Value_Pages_vF