Getting Referrals in a Virtual World


Program produced by XPX New Jersey

To culminate a great year of programming information, we are privileged to have as our guest keynote, Matt Anderson, author of Fearless Referrals, who will help all of us with insight to better networking and referral opportunities. Matt’s insight will assist both operating in a virtual environment as our workplaces reopen. Matt has worked with countless professionals providing tips and tactics to improve business development efforts.

About the speaker:

Matt Anderson is the founder of Breakthrough Bound, the Referrals Academy and professional coach of Matt Anderson International LLC. Matt is a highly experienced coach and speaker for sales training and personal coaching industry. His focus is on helping professionals generate new business and get out of their own way. Author of the international bestseller “Fearless Referrals” helping readers in using their contacts as the building blocks to success.

Video is below. Here are some additional resources:

Updated: 4:32 pm

About the author
