Kathie H. Okun: Success Over Survival


Protecting and Preserving Your Business for the Future—

Presented by: Kathie H. Okun

Building a successful business takes commitment, dedication, and a lot of hard work. And like anything of value, it must be protected – but not only against current risks such as fire or theft, but also against less tangible hazards such as the loss of an owner or key employee. Let’s face it, at some point in the life cycle of every successful business, one or more of three things will happen: an owner or key employee will die, become disabled, or simply decide to retire. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t take the time to plan for how their business will be run – or liquidated – following such an event. But without this kind of planning – generally known as business succession planning – even successful companies face the threat of failure. Continue reading…..

Originally posted by Kathie Okun on April 28, 2015 at 2:11pm

Updated: 1:34 pm

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