Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton (MBBP): First Issue of 2015! – MBBP’s M&A Today Newsletter


It’s MBBP’s first issue of 2015 and we’re providing plenty of news to start the year off right!

Open the PDF.

This newsletter is packed with articles, such as:

TAX: Treasury Announces New Restrictions on Inversions – Robert Finkel

IP: Scrutinizing Biotechnology & Software Patent Eligibility in M&A Deal Valuations – David Fazzolare

◾TECHNOLOGY: Open Source Issues in Mergers & Acquisitions – Michael Cavaretta

PRIVACYM&A Privacy & Data Security Considerations: Compliance with Applicable Privacy Laws & Sharing of Customer Information – Faith Kasparian

CORPORATE:◾Massachusetts Court (Sort of) Adopts Delaware’s Great Hill Holding Regarding the Attorney-Client Privilege in Mergers – Carl Barnes

Delaware Court Refuses to Enforce Indemnity & Release Provisions Against Non-Consenting Stockholder – Mark Tarallo

From Trados to Nine Systems: And Now for Something Completely Different? – Scott Bleier

You might just want to read this one cover to cover! Open the full January issue of M&A Today.

Please feel free to contact us with questions.

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Originally posted by Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton on February 18, 2015 at 10:52am

Updated: May 18, 2021

About the author
Tony Hill of Trivest Partners is a member of XPX
