Learn How to Develop Products/Services That Dominate from World Class Expert R. Dutt author of “Radical Product Thinking”

Date: April 29, 2022

Time: 12 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time

End Time: 1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time

Platform: Zoom

Questions: Chat

Link for Free Ticket: R. Dutt

Iteration rules product development, but it isn’t enough to produce dramatic results. This book champions Radical Product Thinking, a systematic methodology for building visionary, game-changing products.

In the last decade, we’ve learned to harness the power of iteration to innovate faster—we’ve invested in a fast car, but our ability to set a clear destination and navigate to it hasn’t kept up.

When we iterate without a clear vision or strategy, our products become bloated, fragmented, and driven by irrelevant metrics. They catch “product diseases” that often kill innovation.

Radical Product Thinking (RPT) gives organizations a repeatable model for building world-changing products. The key? Being vision-driven instead of iteration-led. R. Dutt guides readers through the five elements of the methodology (vision, strategy, prioritization, execution and measurement, and culture) to develop a clear process for translating vision into reality, and turning RPT skills into muscle memory.

This book offers refreshing solutions to the shortcomings of our current model for product development; be prepared to toss out everything you know about a good vision and learn how to measure progress to create revolutionary products. The best part? You don’t have to be a natural-born visionary to produce extraordinary results.


R. Dutt, is an entrepreneur and product leader and has participated in four acquisitions, two of which were companies that she founded. She is currently Advisor on Product Thinking to the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Singapore’s financial regulator and central bank. She also teaches entrepreneurship and innovation at Northeastern’s D’Amore McKim School of Business, and is an advisor to several startups.

Dutt co-founded Radical Product Thinking as a movement of leaders creating vision-driven change and is a frequent speaker at business events and conferences around the world. She graduated from MIT with an SB and M.Eng in Electrical Engineering, and speaks nine languages, currently learning her tenth.

Dutt has built products in industries including broadcasting, media and entertainment, advertising, government, consumer apps, and robotics. Her journey into product leadership made her realize that product thinking is a necessary life skill for creating the change you envision.

Updated: 12:41 pm

About the author
Marc Kramer of Stress Free Family Business is a member of XPX Philadelphia

When the parents want to prepare their children to take over the business and/or when the parents and kids are fighting with each other and a cooler experienced head is needed.