Maximizing Employee Creativity for Profits? Meet BCG partner Martin Reeves author of “Employees to The Imagination Machine”

Date: December 21, 2021

Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Platform: Zoom

Questions: Chat

Free Ticket: Martin Reeves

We need imagination now more than ever—to find new opportunities, rethink our businesses, and discover paths to growth. Yet too many companies have lost their ability to imagine. What is this mysterious capacity? How does imagination work? And how can organizations keep it alive and harness it in a systematic way?

The Imagination Machine answers these questions and more. Drawing on the experience and insights of CEOs across several industries, as well as lessons from neuroscience, computer science, psychology, and philosophy, Martin Reeves of Boston Consulting Group’s Henderson Institute and Jack Fuller, an expert in neuroscience, provide a fascinating look into the mechanics of imagination and lay out a process for creating ideas and bringing them to life:

  • The Seduction: How to open yourself up to surprises
  • The Idea: How to generate new ideas
  • The Collision: How to rethink your idea based on real-world feedback
  • The Epidemic: How to spread an evolving idea to others
  • The New Ordinary: How to turn your novel idea into an accepted reality
  • The Encore: How to repeat the process—again and again.

Imagination is one of the least understood but most crucial ingredients of success. It’s what makes the difference between an incremental change and the kinds of pivots and paradigm shifts that are essential to transformation—especially during a crisis.

The Imagination Machine is the guide you need to demystify and operationalize this powerful human capacity, to inject new life into your company, and to head into unknown territory with the right tools at your disposal.


Martin Reeves is a managing director and senior partner in BCG’s San Francisco office, and the Chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute, BCG’s vehicle for exploring ideas from beyond the world of business, which have implications for business strategy management.

Martin’s forthcoming book, The Imagination Machine (HBR Press, 2021 June) explores how to systematically harness imagination to generate new ideas and transform your business. Also soon to be published soon, is Inspiring the Next Game (De Gruyter, 2021), the first of a series of books on major new opics in business.. He is also the co-author of Your Strategy Needs a Strategy (HBR Press, 2015).

Martin joined BCG in London in 1989 and later moved to Tokyo, where he was responsible for BCG’s business with Western clients. His consulting career has focused on strategy – with equal emphasis on idea origination and development, and application by consulting with clients on their strategy challenges.

Updated: 1:01 pm

About the author
Marc Kramer of Stress Free Family Business is a member of XPX Philadelphia

When the parents want to prepare their children to take over the business and/or when the parents and kids are fighting with each other and a cooler experienced head is needed.