Troy Cobb, Cinch I.T., and Mark Ligler, Factory Automation Systems


On this episode of ProfitSense, host Bill McDermott was joined by Troy Cobb with Cinch I.T., who discussed the decision to purchase a franchise vs. start his own business, cybersecurity issues he sees currently, and more. Mark Ligler, Owner and Vice President of Factory Automation Systems, also joined the show. Mark’s business has weathered many seasons in the automation and robotic industry, and he shared his wisdom and experience on sensible business growth, attracting and retaining talent, and much more.

Finally, Bill shared his thoughts on how essential a good organizational culture is for a business. ProfitSense with Bill McDermott is produced and broadcast by the North Fulton Studio of Business RadioX® in Alpharetta.


Listen to the full episode here.

Updated: 10:40 am

About the author
Bill McDermott of The Profitability Coach is a member of XPX Atlanta

Business owners have a big vision for their company & want to move forward, but don’t know how. I help identify hurdles getting in the way & create a path to profitability they never thought possible.