What will I do after selling my business?


“What will I do after selling my business?” he asked.

I hear that a lot both in my M&A practice, True North Advisors Group and my coaching business, The Platinum Years.

“I fear I will fall into a void, if I sell”, is another common refrain.

As we get into our 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, many of us who have achieved financial and business success, start to wonder about this.

As my fellow business advisor Josh Patrick, wrote recently, we want to stay “relevant”.

But what does that mean, and how to achieve it?

For some it is selling and traveling, for others it is hiring a career coach and starting anew.

Sadly, other freeze up and do nothing. Of course, that is a bit like letting choosing to let others plan your future – they will clean up your mess after you are gone.

If you are a late-career business owner, there is a small step to think more deeply about your future.

It is called the What’s Next Self-Assessment (online assessment, book and workbook).

Beats wondering how to stay relevant…

Learn More:  https://www.theplatinumyears.com/programs/self-directed-learning/whats-next-self-assessment/


Updated: 1:23 pm

About the author
Paul Cronin of Touchstone Advisors is a member of XPX Greater Boston

Your client is trying to decide whether to sell, transfer or wind down their business. I will help them decide, then create a plan to sell to the right buyers