Life Coaching

THE CRITICAL QUESTION FOR BUSINESS OWNERS: DEFINING SUCCESS – WHY ARE YOU ON THIS ROAD? By recent article in Forbes magazine by John Jennings described this as the “money and happiness” paradox. In his article, Jennings discussed an important psychological study from 2003, which determined that although having more money is associated with happiness, seeking more money dampens life satisfaction and impairs happiness: [T]he study found that “the greater your goal for financial success, the lower your satisfaction with family life, regardless of household income.” This paradox teaches that money boosts happiness when it is a result, not when it is a primary goal, or as Ed Diener noted in his book his TED Talk that has more than 55 million views. Sinek’s website describes the book this way: Sinek presents a simple yet powerful idea: the most successful and influential companies and leaders start with the “why” of their business, rather than focusing solely on the “what” and “how.” By starting with purpose and beliefs, companies can create a clear and compelling message that resonates with their customers and employees. This is the first question for the business owner to answer: Why am I doing this? Having a clear purpose means that the owner will not shy away from challenges arising in the business. The owner’s purpose is the lodestar that keeps both the owner and the company on track and able to surmount these challenges. A business owner who knows the why has purpose that drives the business, and fulfilling the owner’s purpose will help define success. What Is the Quality of My Relationships? This question about relationships may be less obvious than deciding on one’s purpose, but it is no less important. We are human beings. We exist in relation to other humans, which is especially true in the business world. People do not succeed or experience success in business in a vacuum. There are two types of relationships for the business owner to consider: those within the company and those that the owner has with family and friends outside the business. Both of these are important and help the business owner to define and experience success. Inside the business, successful business owners stress the importance of building solid, meaningful relationships. Sam Kaufman, an entrepreneur and a member of the Forbesbusiness council, expressed this powerfully in a interview in 2021, he said: “Younger employees consistently rank corporate responsibility at or near the top of their criteria for working at a particular company. This means community actions are key, but not just from a talent perspective.” When asked why companies should compare about community impact, he stated: “It’s the connection between community and long-run company performance. That shows up in everything from what kind of brand do I build over time, to the knock-on effects of that brand, to the way my employees feel about the company, with respect to how I am engaging in community.” — Dave Young, a senior partner with Boston Consulting Group The point is not to suggest that business owners have to become “corporate do-gooders” to find success. But, if owners choose to disregard the impacts their companies are having on the communities in which they do business, they may find success to be an elusive goal. Conclusion Defining success is an individual process for business owners, who will reach different conclusions, but the process is a vital exercise to undertake. Owners who eschew the need to consider their path to success may find themselves lost or overwhelmed on an uncharted road. By undertaking the deliberative process required to define success, business owners will develop a clear sense of purpose, appreciate the important relationships in their lives and fully grasp how their company impacts the community in which it operates.

“What will I do after selling my business?” he asked. I hear that a lot both in my M&A practice, True North Advisors Group and my coaching business, The Platinum Years. “I fear I will fall into a void, if I sell”, is another common refrain. As we get into our 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, many of us who have achieved financial and business success, start to wonder about this. As my fellow business advisor Josh Patrick, wrote recently, we want to stay “relevant”. But what does that mean, and how to achieve it? For some it is selling and traveling, for others it is hiring a career coach and starting anew. Sadly, other freeze up and do nothing. Of course, that is a bit like letting choosing to let others plan your future – they will clean up your mess after you are gone. If you are a late-career business owner, there is a small step to think more deeply about your future. It is called the What’s Next Self-Assessment (online assessment, book and workbook). Beats wondering how to stay relevant… Learn More:   

And the Beginning! Change is the external event, situation, or relationship that morphs into something new/different/better/worse. After a 30-year successful run, the founder/business owner sells his or her business. That’s the change. Here’s how my client, Jim, described it to me this week: One day I’m in my office and the next day I am at home with no emails in my inbox, no meetings to attend, no need to ever think about sales and marketing, and no team members to celebrate births, marriages, and graduations with. The final six months of executing the deal were so intense that I didn’t even have time to think about life after the sale. It’s been three months now and I have no idea what to do with myself. I don’t know if I need coaching or therapy. I feel lost and invisible. Transition is what happens internally as we move from where we were to a different (hopefully better) place. All major transitions have a phase, that’s called the messy middle. Rosabeth Moss-Canter is quoted as saying, “Everything in the middle feels like failure.” I think Jim would agree. Then comes the new reality. While we all know change is inevitable, it’s easy to get lost in the flood of emotions, and/or the need for action, that change ushers in, even if that change is the successful sale of a business. Whether we’ve planned for it or not, the messy middle is an uncomfortable, scary time filled with loss and sadness about what is gone, and uncertainty and confusion about next steps. The entrepreneur’s strong impulse is to muscle through this phase to get past the discomfort and uncertainty as quickly as possible. Here’s the good news. This is where a skilled coach can provide guidance and support, and most of all – permission for the client to be in the moment, in the process, and let go of fear or anxiety as the new normal unfolds. “Unlearning” is much harder than learning, and clients need support as they let go of old routines, identities, and successful habits, enabling them to emerge empowered to chart a course for their desired future. If you are a service provider who works in any capacity with business owners to help them sell their businesses for the maximum buyout, I am sure you have high-fived them and popped the champagne at the closing. It’s likely that many of you have also checked in with them a month or so later to find the initial elation gone, replaced by fear and uncertainty, and often dread over how the next ten years will unfold. The bad news… there is no magic bullet. Every situation is different. However, there are some proven action steps you can take that significantly increase the chances of a positive outcome, and a client who is invested and involved in the future he or she is creating. Here are some ways you can help them prepare psychologically. PREPARE At least a year before the sale, begin to ask questions about what they are doing to prepare themselves psychologically for the transition. ENCOURAGE Suggest they talk to an experienced coach, counselor, or peer who has been through a business sale. Learning about the necessary steps of major transitions and asking for guidance or support well before the event from a trusted advisor can be the game changer. SUPPORT When clients express doubts and uncertainties about their future after the sale, listen, ask “Tell me more” questions, and empathize with their feelings. “I get it,” and “That really makes sense to me,” are far more helpful than, “Don’t worry, I’m sure everything will be fine.” Let them know you are willing to listen and help them find resources to navigate the transition. COMMIT Check in with clients after the sale at least once a quarter for the first year to see how they are doing. If they are floundering, suggest they reach out to a qualified transition professional for support. Any major transition, especially in the last third of life, can be the beginning of a devastating downward spiral or the catalyst for personal transformation and growth. As we know, studies show that the vast majority of business owners regret the sale. I believe that in large part, it is because they are not prepared or equipped to create a life and a future that they love. It would be a privilege to share more about my successes with this process and all it can do for your clients who may be struggling with how to make their next chapter their best chapter. Here’s the best news! I’m here for you. Please do drop me an email at the address below and we will schedule a 30-minute discovery call. Contact: Webpage:

How to shift from doom to possibility so you can serve your clients well during this uncertain time.  I say it all the time, but I want to gently remind you.  Your mind’s activity works in a way that sometimes is NOT helpful.  Especially in these days, living in the catastrophe’s and pandemic life right now, our minds are on overdrive protecting us.  How in the world do we stop worrying and fretting right now? Remember that Circumstances trigger not only thoughts but stories.  I.e. the stock market dips and our mind says we are going to lose everything.  Our mind is a frickin’ drama king/queen. And it steals our joy and our ability to be focused on the people and the activities we love.  It robs us of our flow/productivity at work. What’s a person to do? Interrupt the story, get curious about the story, give yourself some grace while you peek in and look at what your mind is doing there.   The action of interruption is powerful. What does interrupting, getting curious look like? 🗣In conversation: “Wow, with all that is going on today, I am making some really crappy conclusions.” SPEAKING THE THOUGHTS OUT LOUD helps you to look at them instead of think them, believe them. ✍🏽In journaling:  Listing everything that you’re thinking and reading it over, can create a powerful awareness instead of BEING IN those thoughts. WE DO NOT HAVE TO THINK DIFFERENTLY. Just watching and observing our thoughts creates a powerful agency over ugly thoughts. 🧠In your mind:  Ask better questions.  Ask open ended questions and keep them coming until you feel a shift to a less dire state.   OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS disrupt powerfully, pointing the brain in another direction.  What is possible here? What shift could I make? What’s another way to think about it? Could I give myself some grace here? Lean into 🧠✍🏽🗣 and see what works for you here. Diana Mindset/Life Coach for Expert Advisors and Owners in Exit ps I discuss all of these issues on my podcast.  Here is one of my favorite recent episodes on building momentum. pss my website is full of resources:

“So, tell me about yourself.” “What’s happening on the big project?” “How are our quarterly numbers?” If you want to sound confident, your response to any question should be clear and engaging. “Ummm, that’s a good question…” or “Well, that depends…” does not communicate confidence. At The Confident Communicator, we coach aspiring leaders to start an answer by showing they’ve heard the question and want to engage in a positive way. “Tell me about yourself.” “I’d be happy to….” Author Judith Humphrey calls this a “grabber.” It grabs the listener by the lapel and says: hey, come with me! “How is the project coming?” “It’s on track…” Grabbers respond to the question but do not provide a full answer. They provide a bridge from the question to the answer. The second component of a confident response is a succinct message. Your message should capture the main point you want to make in a phrase or single sentence. If the other person remembers nothing else from what you said, it’s this one thing. “Tell me about yourself” “I’d be happy to. I thrive on creative projects.” Boom! Grabber + Succinct Answer = Confident. “How are our quarterly numbers looking?” “Excellent. “We increased new applicants by 40%.” Even when answering a factual question, your message can transcend the facts. Pro Tip: in advance, think of a succinct answer to tough questions you may be asked. Be ready! Sign up for your daily leadership communications tip at

People have been selling businesses and retiring forever, so why is this important? Well, after nearly 30 years in healthcare, I’ve seen a startling trend that must be addressed. Let’s walk through two scenarios, and you pick the one that reflects your future desires. Retirement Scenario 1 – The Cliff It is not uncommon for people, especially very successful men, to become defined by their work. It is their source of fulfillment, accolades, confidence, social engagement, power, notoriety, and significance. The years or months leading to retirement are filled with final goals, succession planning, financial projections, and a whirlwind of activity related to the retirement itself. Then Monday arrives. He has no agenda for the day, no one waiting in line with questions, no ringing phones, no fires to put out, and no expectations for his time. This might even be fun and relaxing for a short time. He might have some trips to take and some family time to enjoy. But then what? If he has no longer-term plan or defined purpose, retirement can feel like falling off a cliff. I have seen this happen in so many men, even those with well-developed hobbies or even nonprofit roles. When there is no plan, health can decline rapidly. All of the stress, disappointment, anxiety, loss of self, loss of purpose can lead to decline in physical health. Depression, increased blood pressure, increased weight, increased blood sugar, disrupted sleep, and more can quickly put him at risk of stroke, heart attack, or other future-limiting event. Then, add the impact on relationships that is a key part of the Learn more here. Schedule a 

This has been a challenging year for business owners. I’ve seen it all, your own powerful pivots whilst guiding clients through revenue loss, and their market changes. Navigating your own business in the middle of a LOT of uncertainty, handling an entirely new lifestyle of work and home life.  Just wow! Can we just give ourselves a big pat on the back? Staying in the energy of response for too long can burn you out.  In fact for most of us, we are already there.  We’ve been on high alert since March 13th, 2020, handling every twist and turn and I believe it has taken a toll.   I have been thinking about this a lot and have decided I wanted to do something to support my owner colleagues as coach.  I’ve created a powerful course designed for business owners with 3 modules that stand alone but also build on one another. THIS IS THE INFO FOR THE COURSE: (November 5, 12, 19-Recordings available) This podcast will give you the first step. (This is the 1st module of the Course). Episode 40: From Stress to Clarity & Inspiration We have such a great opportunity for growth in 2022 if we recharge our mental batteries now. Just email me and my team and I will answer any of your questions. Diana


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Entrepreneurial business owners, is it time to consider a new approach to setting goals in the New Year? We’ve all been there. January 1 rolls around, and we set resolutions with the best intentions. “This will be the year I double my business,” we say. An article in Forbes 1 states by mid-February, 80% of people have made their resolutions a distant memory. Why? Because we have high ambitions hinging on mostly unrealistic and unsustainable methods, setting broad, lofty goals without a roadmap is like trying to sail a ship without a compass—directionless and daunting. There is a simple fix for this problem.  Start the road map with some pre-work. The root issue? New Year’s goals should always start with who you are, how you want to serve, and what you want to enjoy. If you start a New Year’s Resolution with what is trending in the world, in business, or in society, you will leave some or all your resolutions behind as you realize there is a misalignment between who you are and what is trending. It’s all one path! As business owners, we are bombarded with tasks that can be exhausting and lack enjoyment. Goals should be derived from envisioning a picture of your personal world: God, business, family, your unique personal desire to share creatively, and the core of who you are, so your business and your world are synced within a set of goals. What should your world look like in the New Year? Don’t compartmentalize! Your business cannot be separated from all the rest; successful business owners know who they are and how they intend to serve.  Get reacquainted with who you are, your personal talents to serve (clients, friends, family), and how you can get back to enjoying your life. Now we can talk about Business Resolutions You know what you want to achieve for your business. Now, make it a team effort. Go beyond your own efforts to engage your team in goals that are well aligned with their strengths and do it in a doable fashion that engages the spirit of growth together. The Problem with Most Resolutions Resolutions lack specificity, accountability, and, most importantly, our teams’ collective firepower. Transformative change doesn’t come from wishful thinking but from actionable, measurable steps involving everyone on deck. So, what’s the game plan? Shift from solo resolutions to team-powered actions. Set Specific Goals: Break down that big vision into smaller, achievable milestones. “Increase sales by 10% in Q1” beats “Double my business” for clear targets. Harness Team Strengths: Every member has unique skills. Use them to your advantage by assigning roles that match their strengths and watch motivation soar. Perform Regular Check-Ins: Make accountability a team effort. Frequent updates keep everyone on the same page and moving forward together. Celebrate Wins: Whether you hit a small target or make significant progress, celebrate as a team. This will help you feel more united and keep the momentum going. Making Sustainable Resolutions Remember, a sustainable resolution starts with the core of who you are as an owner, how you want to serve, and what is enjoyable to you.  Once you know what you want to achieve for your business your team can help you get there. With some pre-work, a New Year resolution might spark the fire, and then your team’s day-to-day actions will keep it blazing.

Listen to this post as a podcast: Please read the disclosure statement carefully before you engage our firm for advisory services. The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice and it should not be relied on as such. It should not be considered a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell a security. It does not take into account any investor’s particular investment objectives, strategies, tax status or investment horizon. You should consult your attorney or tax advisor.   The views expressed in this commentary are subject to change based on the market and other conditions. These documents may contain certain statements that may be deemed forward-looking statements. Please note that any such statements are not guarantees of any future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected. Any projections, market outlooks, or estimates are based upon certain assumptions and should not be construed as indicative of actual events that will occur.    All information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed.  There is no representation or warranty as to the current accuracy, reliability, or completeness of, nor liability for, decisions based on such information and it should not be relied on as such. Bloomwood is a registered investment advisor. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Bloomwood and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. 730 Starlight Lane, Atlanta, GA 30342.

As we enter 2025, businesses face a rapidly evolving employment law landscape shaped by dynamic shifts across all three branches of government. With a new president set to take office, significant developments at the Supreme Court, and the Republicans securing control of Congress, 2025 is shaping up to be a year defined by upheaval. Each branch of government will be different than any of us have seen in decades. The Executive Branch First and foremost, Donald Trump’s second presidential term is set to begin on January 20. Over the last four years, the Biden administration, known for their pro-employee policies, ushered in a wave of regulations aimed at expanding worker protections. Conversely, the Trump administration is expected to continue their pro-employer, laissez-faire approach that prioritized deregulation and employer flexibility during his first term. (Interestingly, the Trump Administration has started supporting more union issues and no one knows how that will impact his second term.) Significantly, labor and employment law developments often arise from action on behalf of various agencies such as the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) and the Department of Labor (“DOL”). Because these agencies are part of the Executive branch, the president is effectively charged with overseeing them, and therefore plays a significant role in the implementation of their policies. Employers should expect Trump to utilize these agencies to implement his pro-business agenda. It is worth noting, however, that a 2024 Supreme Court decision (Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo) overturned the long-standing Chevron doctrine, a legal principle that directed courts to defer to federal agency’s interpretations of law that agency is empowered to enforce. As a result of this decision, the Executive branch was effectively weakened, shifting greater interpretative authority to the Judicial branch. It will be interesting to see how much impact this change will have on the balance of power among our branches of government. The Judicial Branch Loper was not the only Supreme Court decision in 2024 that contributed to the shift in power in favor of the Judicial branch. The Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overturned the landmark abortion decision Roe v. Wade. Historically, courts, including the Supreme Court, follow precedent created by earlier decisions. But now the Supreme Court showed its willingness to overturn longstanding precedent based on a difference in their opinion of what is right or wrong. This shift away from strict adherence to precedent allows the Supreme Court greater latitude to reinterpret past decisions. With more flexibility to pursue a wider range of cases, as well as greater interpretive authority, the Judicial branch is shaping up to be much more powerful than it has been in the past. The Legislative Branch Lastly, in the 2024 election, the Republicans secured a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. This means that the Legislative branch will have broad authority to enact their agenda over the next two years. Additionally, with Donald Trump in the White House, the likelihood of presidential vetoes decreases significantly.  This alignment will increase the likelihood that Congress will pass more new laws than is typically seen under a divided legislature. As a result, employers should closely monitor what new laws Congress enacts. Employer Takeaways Overall, the three branches of government are all undergoing significant changes. Donald Trump is likely to resume his pro-employer agenda, albeit with a slightly weakened Executive branch in the wake of the Loper decision. The Judicial branch is as powerful as ever, exemplified by the Supreme Court’s willingness to overturn longstanding precedent. Lastly, with Republicans in control of both the Senate and the House, the Legislative branch is primed for significant activity through 2026. With all these changes taking place, it is crucial for businesses to keep abreast of developments in labor and employment laws to ensure compliance and minimize legal risk in the new year. Brody and Associates regularly advises management on complying with the latest local, state, and federal employment laws. If we can be of assistance in this area, please contact us at or 203.454.0560.

A robust leadership pipeline is crucial for any business, but it becomes particularly vital when preparing for a business exit. Whether you’re planning a sale, merger, or leadership transition, ensuring that your leadership depth is strong can significantly enhance the attractiveness and value of your business. This HR Insight explores how strategic human resources management can cultivate leadership depth to support a smooth business transition. The Importance of Leadership Depth in Exit Planning Leadership depth refers to a company’s ability to fill key leadership roles from within, ensuring business continuity and operational stability. For businesses considering an exit, strong leadership depth reassures potential buyers and investors of the company’s resilience and future performance potential. A well-prepared leadership team can effectively manage transitions, uphold company values, and drive growth, even during periods of change. Strategies for Developing Leadership Depth Leadership Development Programs: Implement comprehensive leadership development programs tailored to your company’s needs. These programs should focus on nurturing high-potential employees with critical skills such as strategic thinking, decision-making, and change management. Methods might include formal training sessions, mentorship programs, and leadership retreats that emphasize real-world business challenges and leadership responsibilities. Succession Planning: Effective succession planning is essential for ensuring that key positions can be filled quickly and competently. HR should work with current leaders to identify potential successors for each critical role. This process includes assessing the skills and readiness of potential leaders and providing targeted development opportunities to prepare them for future roles. Talent Identification and Management: Use talent management tools and assessments to identify employees who have the potential to become future leaders. Once identified, provide these individuals with customized development plans that align with their career aspirations and the company’s strategic goals. This approach not only prepares them for leadership roles but also helps retain top talent by actively investing in their career growth. Performance Management: Align performance management systems to leadership development goals. Regular performance reviews and feedback sessions help potential leaders understand their strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring they are on the right track to taking on more significant roles within the company. Cultivating a Leadership Culture: Foster a culture that promotes leadership from every level of the organization. Encourage employees to take initiative, lead projects, or mentor others. This environment supports leadership development organically and can identify and elevate hidden talents within the organization. The Impact of Leadership Depth on Business Valuation A strong leadership team can significantly enhance a company’s valuation during an exit. It demonstrates to potential buyers and investors that the company is well-managed, has a clear direction, and is capable of sustaining growth without the original owner or current leadership team. Additionally, companies with effective leadership transitions are more likely to maintain performance levels during and after the exit process, reducing risks associated with the transition. Developing leadership depth is not just about filling positions but about creating a sustainable framework that supports the company’s long-term goals and ensures a legacy of success. As businesses prepare for exit, the role of HR in cultivating this environment becomes a cornerstone of strategic exit planning. By investing in leadership development, companies not only enhance their marketability and potential sale value but also secure a stable and prosperous future for all stakeholders. At Tagro Solutions, we bring our deep expertise in Human Resources consulting to the table, aligning HR strategies with business objectives to enhance company performance and prepare for successful transitions. Our approach integrates seamlessly with the philosophy of the Exit Planning Exchange, which fosters collaborative exchanges of information and experiences among its members. Together, we aim to empower business owners through strategic insights and actionable solutions, making the journey from business operation to exit as profitable and smooth as possible.

On November 4, 2024, NYC Mayor Eric Adams signed into law the Safe Hotels Act (Int. No. 991-C) aiming to promote hotel safety and boost tourism. The Act, taking effect May 3, 2025, requires hotel licenses, restructuring of employment agreements, and a number of new staffing requirements. Hotel License Requirements Hotel operators defined as persons who own, lease, or manage a hotel, and control day-to-day operations, must obtain a hotel license from the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DWCP) to legally operate a hotel. Hotel operators must file an application with the Commissioner of the DWCP to obtain a license. The application must contain contact information as well as details of safeguards and procedures which show the hotel is in compliance with the Act’s staffing, safety, employment, and cleanliness requirements. The application will differ if the operator has a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with a union. If the operator has a CBA which contains the required information and references the CBA in their application this may satisfy the Acts notification rules. The notification requirement will be satisfied for the term of the CBA or 10 years from the date of the application (whichever is longer). The commissioner must be notified if there are changes to the CBA which remove references to the Act’s requirements. The hotel license may be denied or revoked if operators fail to comply with the Act, however there are a number of notice requirements for the Commissioner prior to revoking a license. The Commissioner must notify the licensee of a potential revocation in writing. The licensee must be given 30 days from the notification to remedy the violation and this notice must be in writing. A license will not be revoked if it can be demonstrated that the condition has been resolved in the 30-day period. Evidence of this correction can be delivered electronically or in person. Upon the Commissioner’s decision, the licensee has 15 days to request a review of the decision. A license will not be revoked in the following situations: service disruptions such as construction work noise; conditions that the hotel is aware of and treats within 24 hours such as bed bugs, rodents, etc.; unavailability of hotel amenities for a period of 48 hours; unavailability of utilities for a period of 24 hours; and importantly any strike, picketing, lockout, or demonstration at or by the hotel. Hotel operators must display their license in a public area.   Employment Agreement Requirements The Act requires hotel owners, with 100 or more guest rooms, “directly employ” all “core employees”, except a single hotel operator to manage operations on the owner’s behalf. This rule effectively eliminates intermediaries such as staffing agencies or management companies. Core employees include those whose work relates to housekeeping, front desk, or front service. Valets, maintenance workers, parking security, and employees mostly working with food and beverages are not considered core employees. This provision greatly impacts employers who utilize subcontractors; however some contracting agreements may be grandfathered in if they are entered into prior to the effective date and have a specific termination date. Violating this provision may serve as the basis of license revocation. Staffing Requirements In order to maintain safe conditions for guests and hotel workers, the Act implements a number of new staffing requirements. One employee must provide front desk coverage at all times (during night shifts a security guard who has received human trafficking training may take this employee’s place). Hotels with more than 400 guest rooms must have a minimum of one security guard providing continuous coverage while any room is occupied. Hotels must maintain cleanliness and not impose fees for daily room cleaning. Core employes must receive training on how to identify human trafficking within 60 days of employment. Hotels must not accept reservations for less than 4 hours. Penalties and What Else Employers Need to Know Hotel operators are strictly prohibited from retaliating against any employee who discloses a potential violation or assists in an investigation. Hotel operators are also prohibited from retaliating against employees who refuse to partake in a dangerous activity that is not part of their job. As previously discussed, noncompliance can result in a hotel operator’s license being revoked, but that is not all. Anyone alleging a violation can seek a civil action within 6 months of the alleged violation. Furthermore, the Act provides for civil penalties which vary based on the number of violations: $500 for a first violation, $1,000 for a second, $2,500 for a third, and $5,000 for subsequent violations. The Commissioner is expected to issue rules by which this law will be enforced. A timetable for their issuance has yet to be set. Brody and Associates regularly advises management on complying with the latest local, state and federal employment laws.  If we can be of assistance in this area, please contact us at or 203.454.0560  

The Role of Culture in M&A Success: Navigating Integration with HR Insights In the dynamic world of business, effective exit planning is crucial for ensuring a smooth transition and securing the legacy of a business owner’s life’s work. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are more than just financial transactions; they are a fusion of values, people, and aspirations. Amid the complexities of these business maneuvers, the significance of company culture cannot be overstated. It is the glue that holds an organization together and can be a make-or-break factor in the success of M&A activities. This post explores the pivotal role of company culture in M&A success and how HR can drive positive outcomes through strategic cultural integration. The Importance of Cultural Compatibility: Cultural compatibility is crucial in M&A scenarios. When two companies merge, they bring together distinct cultural identities, which can either harmonize to drive the company forward or clash and impede integration efforts. A study by Deloitte found that nearly 30% of M&A failures could be directly linked to cultural issues, illustrating the need for a deliberate focus on cultural alignment during the merger process. HR’s Role in Cultural Assessment: Human Resources departments play a strategic role in assessing cultural fit before a merger is finalized. HR professionals can conduct cultural audits to identify the values, beliefs, and behaviors that define each organization. This assessment helps predict potential areas of conflict and synergy, enabling informed decision-making during the merger or acquisition. Strategies for Cultural Integration: 1. Identifying Core Cultural Elements: Before any integration can begin, HR needs to identify the core cultural elements of each company. This involves understanding not only the explicit elements like company values, mission statements, and codes of conduct, but also the implicit elements such as communication styles, decision-making processes, and the level of formality or informality prevalent in the workplace. 2. Evaluating Compatibility and Areas of Divergence: With a clear understanding of each culture, HR should evaluate which aspects are compatible and which are divergent. This step is crucial because it highlights potential areas of conflict that could disrupt integration efforts. 3. Designing the Blended Culture: Once key elements have been identified and evaluated, HR can begin designing a blended culture. This doesn’t mean creating a culture that is merely a mix of pre-existing ones; rather, it involves selecting the best aspects of both cultures based on how well they align with the merged company’s new strategic goals. 4. Developing Transition Plans: With a design in place, HR should develop detailed transition plans to implement the blended culture. This includes setting up cultural integration teams, conducting training sessions to introduce and reinforce the new cultural norms, and using change management techniques to help employees adjust to the new environment. 5. Monitoring and Adjusting: Cultural integration is not a one-off event but a continuous process. HR should monitor the implementation of the blended culture using predefined metrics such as employee satisfaction scores, retention rates, and feedback from leadership. 6. Celebrating Cultural Milestones: To reinforce the new culture, celebrate milestones that reflect cultural integration. This could be through company-wide events, recognition programs, or internal communications that highlight success stories and examples of the new culture in action. 7. Communicate Transparently and Frequently: Regular, clear communication from HR and top management about the integration process can alleviate employee anxieties and build trust. This involves not just sharing what is happening and why, but also how employees can contribute to the integration efforts. Measuring Success and Adjusting Strategies: Post-M&A, it’s important for HR to measure the success of cultural integration efforts through employee feedback, surveys, and other metrics like turnover rates and engagement levels. These insights should inform ongoing adjustments to integration strategies to ensure long-term success. The role of company culture in mergers and acquisitions extends far beyond the initial deal-making phase. It fundamentally affects employee morale, retention, and ultimately, the success of the new entity. By placing HR at the helm of cultural assessments and integration strategies, companies can enhance their chances of a successful merger or acquisition. For businesses preparing to embark on this journey, understanding and proactively managing cultural integration is not just advisable; it is imperative.   Navigating Business Transitions – The Strategic Partnership of Tagro Solutions and the Exit Planning Exchange At Tagro Solutions, we bring our deep expertise in Human Resources consulting to the table, aligning HR strategies with business objectives to enhance company performance and prepare for successful transitions. Our approach integrates seamlessly with the philosophy of the Exit Planning Exchange (XPX), which fosters collaborative exchanges of information and experiences among its members. Together, we aim to empower business owners through strategic insights and actionable solutions, making the journey from business operation to exit as profitable and smooth as possible. This partnership enriches our weekly roundtables, where I, alongside other business owners, delve into discussions that span the spectrum of exit planning. These conversations are not just theoretical but are grounded in the real-world challenges and successes that define the business exit landscape. Through our collaboration, Tagro Solutions and the Exit Planning Exchange bring a unique, holistic perspective enhancing both our insights and our impact. As we unfold this series of insights on how HR strategies integrate with and support successful business exits, we invite you to engage with us. Whether you are contemplating the future sale of your business or are in the process of shaping the strategic direction of your company towards a transition, this series will provide you with the knowledge and tools essential for navigating these complex waters. Join us as we explore the critical role of HR in business exits and how strategic HR planning can significantly influence the outcomes of mergers, acquisitions, and business sales—ensuring a legacy that endures beyond the sale. Interested in learning more about Tagro? Email Interested in learning more about XPX or joining a Roundtable?


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