When Do I Add People?


Every business owner wants the business of their dreams. But sometimes they don’t follow a unified strategy of people and processes to get them there. It can be hard to know when you truly need more hands to accomplish your goals and keep the business running smoothly and efficiently.

Leaders often have trouble “pulling the trigger” and spending the time and money to hire additional people. This can lead to frustration, being overwhelmed, and often confusion on how to keep the business running successfully. It shouldn’t be so hard to know when to grow your team and when not to.

I’ve been working with a client; I’ll call him Ben. Ben first decided to add salespeople because he was generating more opportunities than his salespeople could handle.

Read more.

Updated: 10:01 am

About the author
Bill McDermott of The Profitability Coach is a member of XPX Atlanta

Business owners have a big vision for their company & want to move forward, but don’t know how. I help identify hurdles getting in the way & create a path to profitability they never thought possible.