You Can Do Anything, But Not Everything


Many business owners struggle with delegation. We almost cringe just hearing the word. But without delegating tasks, people start to burn out and are unintentionally limiting their full potential. They become the chokepoint of their own business. It’s interesting that only 1% of businesses start to climb over $10 million in revenue. The number one reason is lack of delegation.

Many business owners think, “I have to do this myself in order to get it done right.” But really what they should think is, “It’s ridiculous that I’m doing this. Who’s really skilled at doing this that I can delegate it to?”

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Updated: 9:32 am

About the author
Bill McDermott of The Profitability Coach is a member of XPX Atlanta

Business owners have a big vision for their company & want to move forward, but don’t know how. I help identify hurdles getting in the way & create a path to profitability they never thought possible.