2022 Summit

XPX Greater Boston 2022 Summit "Navigating Unprecedented Times"


155 Seaport Boulevard, Boston


Wednesday, March 9th, 2022

Greater Boston

Exit Planning Exchange Summit 2022


We want to welcome everyone to the Greater Boston – Exit Planning Exchange Summit 2022, our annual signature event.  We want to thank Annual Summit 2022 Sponsor Nutter Law for hosting the in-person event at their wonderful conference facility in the Seaport.  Thank you also to every Summit Committee member who worked tirelessly over the last few months to put this content together for you.

We find ourselves in unprecedented times. A pandemic that has disrupted the way we do business.  Some private businesses have struggled and others have changed and are thriving. These companies are adapting, changing, disrupting and planning as they look ahead towards a future exit.  What direction do we take? What changes can we make? Who can help us?

These ever-changing dynamics facing business like employment, inflation, supply chain, government policy and general economic conditions are putting heavy pressure on successful exits as business owners and their advisors adapt to the changing landscape.

The theme of the 2022 XPX Summit is “Navigating Unprecedented Times”.  The panels will be on running an efficient and scalable business, business challenges owners have been facing and the human capital side of planning for growth and exit.  These panels will discuss advanced planning and looking forward to how we business owners have adapted and how we are planning for the future.  We will discuss these ever-changing dynamics with panels and speakers with business owners and their advisors.

Our objective is to share the collective knowledge and experiences of the Greater Boston business community and provide our attendees with information to help them navigate these unprecedented times ultimately leading to a successful business transition.  Thank you for attending the Summit.  We hope there are key takeaways that will help you and your business during these unprecedented times.


Lynn Schade and Dave Poulin


Summit Venue Host

Summit Sponsors

XPX Greater Boston 2022 Summit Schedule
“Navigating Unprecedented Times”
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP


12:30 – 1:00  Register & Network

1:00 – 2:00  Keynote Speaker Terry Sylvester Charron, Senior Director for BNY Mellon Wealth Management’s Family Wealth Investment Advisor group in the New England region

2:00 – 3:00  Panel Thriving in the Age of Covid
Moderator: Shannon Zollo, Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP, Partner, Chair ‑ M&A/PE Practice Group
Panelists: Drew Boyle, Co-President, Boyle Transportation Vice Chair, American Trucking Associations
Patrick Flanagan, CEO, Veristat
Garren Hilow, Chief Business Officer, Abveris (virtual)
Tracey Mullen, CEO, Abveris

3:00 – 4:00  Panel Best Practices in Talent and Organizational Change
Moderator: Gabrielle Jenkins, Co-Founder Waypoint Growth Advisors
Panelists: Amy Higgins, Chief Human Resources Officer at Alert Innovation
Karen Walker Beecher, Strategic Advisor and Fractional COO
Elysa Walk, Chief Business Officer Burton Snowboards

4:00 – 5:00  Panel Running an Efficient and Scalable Business
Moderator: Derek Mohamed, Managing Director, Mohamed-Merola Merrill Lynch
Panelists: Ty Field, Executive Chairman, XanEdu, Inc.
Tim Brown, Former CFO, Motus
Scott Cornell – Founder of SilverCloud Inc.
Eric Crews – President & Founder of Crews Consulting Group, President &
Founder of CE Painting, President & Founder of Collegiate Entrepreneurs Inc.

5:00 – 6:00  Closing Speaker Derek Harris, Managing Director and Head, Global Wealth Management Portfolio and Investment Strategy for Global Research Bank of America

6:00 – 7:00  Networking Reception

In unprecedented times, Customers, Culture and Competition are still the areas for private businesses to focus on, especially in preparation for growth, legacy, and transfer. The many issues of the pandemic including employment, supply chain, inflation, government policy and economic issues contribute to the ever-changing dynamic putting heavy pressure on successful transactions. XPX Greater Boston is here with our annual pinnacle event, Summit 2022, on March 9th at Nutter Law in Boston to provide the guidance needed to navigate these dynamics using the experience of the professionals and, more importantly, the business owners who have and are successfully moving forward through these challenges.

“Our plan at this time is to host a safe, in-person event. This is an ideal way to share the collective knowledge of the exit planning community in Greater Boston. We look forward to a dynamic program that will cover the current challenges in the private business market and provide attendees with information to help them navigate these unprecedented times to move through these challenges, ultimately leading to successful business transitions.”


Tickets & Registration

Keynote Speaker: Terry Sylvester Charron
Thriving in the Age of Covid
Best Practices in Talent and Organizational Changes
Running an Efficient and Scalable Business
Closing Speaker: Derek Harris

Table Patrons

Full Table

Half Table