2021 Was a Great Year for Owners Selling to Employees


In 2021, our firm, Pilot Hill Advisors, helped create 8 new employee-owned companies with over 2,000 new employee owners.  As part of their exit planning, the owners of these businesses transitioned over $500 million of stock and saved tens of millions in taxes in the process.  The companies will save millions in taxes and several will eliminate their state and federal income taxes entirely.  Most importantly, the culture and legacy of these great American companies can be preserved for future generations.  What a joy and an honor to be a part of that!  

Pilot Hill Advisors

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

About the author
James Junker of Pilot Hill Advisors is a member of XPX Chicago

An owner needs to consider selling and could benefit from a look at an ESOP or sale to existing management to ensure continuity, liquidity and a flexible transition.