Sell side/Divestiture

Starting with the End in Mind – webinar for business owners and buyers May 16 at 1PM (EDT) If you have the following questions, this webinar is for you! How do I strategically think about my end game? In other words, how do I figure out what game I am playing? What makes a business hard to sell and limited in market value? What are some major value enhancement strategies available to my business? What are reasonable timeline considerations in growing, preparing, and selling my business and what capacity needs are required to be added? How do I build a team of advisors? Speakers include: Amanda A. Russo: CEO of Cornerstone Paradigm Consulting Ryan Goral: CEO of Gspire Group Paul Cronin: three-time founder and M&A Advisor at True North Advisors Group For event details and registration, click

The other day, a marketing expert asked me for “a hook” to explain what I do. I replied, “I sell smaller companies to larger companies, I am an M&A Advisor”. The truth is that I often say no to a lot of owners who ask me to sell their business, or hear no from a lot of buyers who take a look at my clients. So painful. You see, many business owners are really accidental entrepreneurs. If you are a business owner, maybe you got good at something working for someone else. Then you got ticked off at your boss, or the company goes out of business (because THAT owner failed to build business value), and someone hires you to do a job. That job turns into two, then 10, then 50, and so on. Before you know it, you have to hire employees (ugh), and you have a business. You work every day – Sundays too. 60, 80, 100 hours a week. Skip vacations. Miss your kids’ birthdays and soccer games. Whatever it takes. Why, because “no one else can do the job better than you”. 25 years go by and you feel an ache in your back, or your hip, or your head, and you say – “maybe I can sell this thing”. So you ask your CPA for some names of brokers or M&A advisors and make some calls. Then you get stabbed in the heart, when people like me tell you that your business is not really a business – it’s a job with employees, and late invoices. Hard to relive 25 years – isn’t it? If you want to change this outcome – there is hope, BUT it takes time and money to make your business sell-able. It starts by swallowing your pride and doing the work ON your business. You can turn things around over a few years, and come back to me with real profits, proven systems, and a key manager or two that you trust to run the business. That is when I say, “I can sell your business”. And the pain starts to go away. Maybe you even start to smile – again. It can happen, but it’s your choice: “Whatever it takes” or “Whatever happens” Which do you choose? ********************************* If you are a business owner who’d like to think more deeply about your business, try the

The Annual Government Contractor Awards celebrate Small Emerging Contractors Advisory Forum (SECAF) members and other government contracting organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to industry excellence. Award categories showcase companies of all sizes, plus key projects and outstanding executives. Your clients and exit prospects  in the GovCon industry can benefit from the exposure that comes with being considered for one of these prestigious awards.  This event is attended by many organizations and private equity firms with interest in acquiring smaller government contractors and nomination can give your clients visibility before the larger acquirer community. Award winners will be selected from a group of finalists in the following categories: The SECAF Government Contractor of the Year award recognizes companies that have shown a compelling and profound commitment to excellence in financial performance. There is one award per revenue category: SECAF Government Contractor of the Year (under $7.5 million in revenue) SECAF Government Contractor of the Year ($7.5 to $15 million in revenue) SECAF Government Contractor of the Year ($15 to $27.5 million in revenue) SECAF Government Contractor of the Year ($27.5 to $50 million in revenue) The SECAF Award of Excellence award highlights organizations that represent excellence within their respective communities, the government contracting industry and towards employees. To qualify for this award, organizations must have under $50 million in revenue and be an active SECAF Member. The SECAF Government Project of the Year award recognizes companies that have delivered an exemplary program with significant value to the federal government. To qualify for this award, organizations must be an active SECAF Member. The SECAF Executive of the Year award is presented to an Executive (such as a CEO, President, Founder) who has shown a profound commitment to excellence to their company, the community, the government contracting industry and towards their employees. There is one award per category: SECAF Executive of the Year (Under $25M) SECAF Executive of the Year ($25M to $50M) Visit for more information.  

I get this question a lot in M&A. The purchase price of a business can have a number elements: 1. down payment (cash equity from the buyer) 2. bank financing 3. seller’s note 4. installment sale 5. earn-out 6. commissions on future sales 7. consulting agreement for the seller, post-acquisition Earn-out’s, commissions and consulting agreements are often used to “bridge the value gap” between buyer and seller. In some cases, an earn-out is prohibited (SBA loans usually do so), or impractical. So, a consulting agreement can help. Let’s say you own a business and the buyer offer’s $1 million, but you think the business is worth $1.2 million based on growth potential with a new customer coming in. The buyer thinks there is downside risk that customers may leave, once you (the seller) leaves. One solution is where you and the buyer to agree to the $1.2 million purchase price contingent on the terms of the consulting agreement: $200k cash $800k bank loan $200k consulting agreement that might look like this: If the revenues stay at 100% to 90% of the current year (the base year), you earn $200k. If they fall 89% to 80%, you earn $150k, and follow a similar “ladder”. If the new contract yields at least a 10% increase in the base year, you (the seller) gain 20% of the profits from that new customer. This presents a win-win scenario for buyer and seller, and usually works with many lenders.

Do you want to get rich quickly? Very simple: Buy a business for its actual value, and sell it back right away for what the business owner values it. Many business owners overvalue their own business (after all, isn’t your business the most beautiful baby in the world?). What do you need to pay attention to in order to make sure that you get the valuation you want when the time is ripe? Looking at your business through the eyes of a buyer Regardless of whether you want to sell your business (or pass it on to your children) in one or in 100 years, looking at your company through the eyes of a buyer can help you identify your top priorities to develop a stronger business – and ultimately get the valuation that you want. Based on experience, readings, and many conversations with experts in the business of buying and selling companies, I have identified 10 key points that can derail your company value. There are obviously many more – I selected these 10 because of their considerable impact on business valuation. The goal of this article is to generate self-reflection through two questions: On a scale from 1 through 10, how is your company performing on each of these 10 points below? Which of these points should be your top priority for improvement? What defines the value of your business? “There are two pieces to valuing a business, says Mark Campbell with 

Selling Your Business? Recognize the Three Types of Business Buyers Understanding the traits common to each buyer category can help sellers level the playing field in a business sale of any size. In middle-market business sales, the value of the deal and the path to a successful closing are shaped in large part by a factor that many sellers underestimate: the type of buyer that is evaluating your company. Looking at the more than 1,100 business sales that IBG Business’s M&A professionals have closed dating back to the 1980s, the lion’s share of buyers can be slotted into one of three major categories: Individual buyers, consisting of experienced entrepreneurs, former corporate executives or corporate staffers yearning to work for themselves, and high net worth individuals who seek an opportunity to create wealth Strategic buyers, which often use business acquisitions to achieve synergistic goals (e.g., increase market share, achieve geographic growth, or reduce competition) Financial or “professional” buyers, which are constantly in the market for business acquisitions that will achieve high returns for themselves and/or their investors. As you prepare your business for sale and embark on one of the most important transactions of your life, being aware of each type of buyer can help you anticipate what a prospect will look for in a deal and how you can respond throughout the sale process. Following is a profile of each type of buyer and a look at some of their distinguishing characteristics. INDIVIDUAL BUYERS Their Traits. Individual buyers are in it for their personal benefit. They may be serial entrepreneurs, retirees from the corporate world, a first-time owner who has had enough of working for someone else (i.e., they are looking for income and freedom), or a recent seller who is looking for his next challenge. In most cases, individual buyers target smaller, relatively affordable, well-run, low-risk businesses where they can have hands-on ownership. That often makes them welcome prospects for sellers who not only want to sell their company but also want a buyer who is looking for a turn-key operation, will preserve the company’s reputation, grow it into something bigger and better, and take good care of your employees. Risk – that is, the lack of it – can be a major consideration for individual buyers, because they are either new to business ownership, lacking in capital, or in the second half of their life and don’t want to take unnecessary chances. Risk can be a consideration for sellers as well, if the buyer is unable or unwilling to pay cash for the business and wants you to carry a portion of the purchase price. Because they have a personal stake and involvement in the deal, they are the least likely of the three types of buyers to treat the purchase as “just business”; consequently, they are often the least predictable, and they will often require the most attention due to their lack of transaction experience. Professional Help. In what we would characterize as a “Main Street” deal (as opposed to a deal at higher rungs of the value ladder), you will attract prospective buyers from the full spectrum of sophistication and integrity. An

By Allan Tepper Often, parties interested in making a purchase are serial buyers, hence their advantage. But for midsize sellers, this will probably be the one and only time they sell. Sellers spend the better part of their lives building a company so they can now cash out and ride into the sunset. Unfortunately, mergers and acquisitions can be very challenging—and I’m not even talking about what happens after the deal. I’m solely focusing on the deal itself. There are many pitfalls and traps that await, especially if this is your first time. Here are five items that will help sellers obtain the value they created: Project Over Personality If you don’t get a good feeling from the buyer in the first few minutes, you should give passing some real consideration. In the end, the outcome of pending mergers and acquisitions will hinge on whether you can keep both parties focused on the project (i.e. the deal). Regrettably, the matter can shift to center on the personalities involved with the deal. And that’s usually the beginning of the end. It may start as a “chemistry” issue between two individuals, but it can quickly devolve into a lack of trust. You began the deal with plenty of trust, but what happened? Well, you just learned the price changed. Maybe it’s legitimate, but now your antennae are up. As soon as the win-win deal becomes a perceived win-lose, it’s no longer about the deal. Now, it’s about you versus them. Unfortunately, the lack of trust diminishes value. So, how can you avoid those barred-knuckled conversations? Say what you mean and mean what you say. The letter of intent is a great place to start. Make sure the critical aspects of the deal are captured in the letter. The letter will be turned into a contract, so if there are missing parts and surprises once the lawyers get involved, the deal may crater. Plan To Win For sellers, planning is the absolute key to success. Your goal is to win the war, not a battle, so start planning early in the process. What do you want to accomplish by selling your company? Do you want to sell to a private equity firm or a strategic competitor? Would you want a position in the merged company? How long will you stay after the deal closes? You will need to know the answers to these questions to guide you through negotiations. Even the smallest details matter. For example, gather all your required documents in the deal room to make sure the process goes smoothly. We had a client that had several contracts where the executed version could not be found. Failing to plan means planning to fail. Good planning should avoid seller’s remorse. Fix Your ‘Hair’ Negative items—things that give buyers consternation—need to be disclosed right away. Bad news, also referred to as “hair” in M&A speak, doesn’t age well. Worse yet, don’t create an opportunity where the buyers find out about the negative stuff first. This is not a birthday party; surprises are bad for business. When you present the negative news, make sure you include how it is being addressed. If the buyer thinks he is purchasing $5 million in inventory, he will be surprised to learn $3 million is obsolete. So, take a write-down to ensure the buyer gets quality inventory. Then, communicate your solution. Of course, performing due diligence on the buyer can go a long way. Sometimes, seemingly negative issues can be turned into positives. For example, if 80% of your revenue is coming from one company in a specific sector, it could be seen as a negative for your company, but it could be viewed as the missing piece for a larger company with a diverse customer base. Use The Right Numbers Numbers are the quickest way to build reputation and trust. They also are the quickest ways to kill the deal. The Chief Financial Officer should play the role of facilitator, gathering all the key players on the sell side. At that point, the CFO should go through the key numbers of the business that are important to the deal. Then, the other key players should highlight their key numbers that dovetail back to the CFO’s numbers. And then everyone should memorize their numbers. In my experience, many companies fail to do this part. Do you know what happens when the warehouse manager says you have $3.5 million in inventory, the CEO says it’s closer to $2.5 million and the CFO says it’s $3 million? The buyer runs out the door. Developing the right policies and procedures will also help you arrive at the correct numbers. Closing your books quickly and accurately is more about trust than accounting at this stage. Don’t allow poor quality of information to erode value and crater the deal. Quality Counts Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) is a measure of cash flow. And that’s important because it plays a large role in determining your company’s valuation. Every industry has a multiple, which will be used with your EBITDA to determine fair market value. But here’s where it gets interesting. Even the most scientific equations contain elements of art. You should conduct a sell-side quality of earnings analysis to create an adjusted EBITDA. For instance, you may want to add back the CEO’s salary because the acquiring company already has one. The purchasing company, however, argues that they will need to hire someone to fill a part of the role left by the outgoing CEO. You should consider the past and the future when thinking about what quality of earnings means. If you are selling an event production company that derives a large part of its revenue by hosting several annual events on set dates, what happens if those dates change? How much would quality of earnings dip? If you are selling a company that owns ski resorts, how will climate change impact future earnings? Forward-looking statements carry many shades of gray. Analyzing quality of earnings will remove a big part of the mystery and increase the chances for a successful merger. (

Sara Burden, President of Walden Businesses, is a founding member of the Cornerstone International Alliance. The Alliance’s diverse membership creates a global footprint that is unmatched in the lower middle market. That, combined with members’ experience, resources and collaborative efforts are the driving force behind this continued level of success. To date, members have completed more than 3,750 business transactions.

A stay bonus provides an incentive for an employee to remain with the company after a sale. They’re designed to protect the company in times of change. Recognize that a business transition can create a lot of uncertainty and anxiety for employees. Some managers may wonder if they’ll be let go after a sale. Or, more likely in this talent market, valuable team members may feel the timing is right to pursue new opportunities—rather than put themselves through the uncomfortable process of an ownership change. READ MORE at Stay-Bonuses-Add-Value-When-Selling-A-Business

PRESS RELEASE – Walden Businesses, Inc. is pleased to announce its client Paradigm Security Services, Inc. completed a successful sale to Pinnacle Security & Investigation, Inc. Walden initiated this transaction and acted as advisor to the seller. “We were lucky to have Sara Burden’s skill and commitment to guide us in preparing the company for sale; orchestrating meetings; and keeping everyone on track to closure,” said Rick Strawn, CEO of Paradigm Security. Paradigm Security Services provides armed and unarmed private security guard and patrol services to corporate offices, transportation and logistics industries, healthcare facilities, hotels and multi-residential housing, manufacturing, and construction industries. Provides onsite training before guards enter the field with a client, as well as ongoing training, etc. Also provides executive protection, armed protection, and more. Industry leader in the North Georgia market – the company was in an excellent position for a strategic acquirer. Press-Release-w-SB-Paradigm-to-Pinnacle-SB32122

We interview Jeff Swiggett, Business Sale and M&A Advisor as part of our Expert Interview series. Jeff discusses how Buyers look at your business across 6 different value and risk factors. This first interview covers Owner Dependence and Financial Controls as key issues that Buyers want to explore as they are preparing to make you an offer to buy your business. This series of interviews provides great guidance on how to prepare for a strategic exit or sale of your company. Here is a link to the video on my blog page where you can get the download:


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  COREnology is the first behavioral finance tool developed to help advisors identify, track and grow clients’ core values, beliefs and goals.   Soon after David York and Andrew Howell started their estate planning law firm they noticed a glaring disconnect between what mattered most to their clients’ and how their clients were managing their wealth. Families were preparing wealth for their children, but were not preparing their children to have wealth.  They knew how to gain wealth, but not how to be wealthy. When David and Andrew looked at the families that were successful at growing and transferring their wealth, they noticed some consistent trends. These families knew: Who they were What they valued What they believed Together David and Andrew wrote a book titled “

You have been working on the transaction for months.  The business has gotten healthy with great valuation increase.  Now is the time to get it across the finish line.  Then… The owner struggles with the emotions of relinquishing the business. The owner gets overwhelmed with the process and gets cold feet. The owner’s health starts to decline changing the parameters of the sale. The owner’s spouse or child has an emergency or health crisis distracting from the final steps of the sale. The owner backs out due to fear of how to stay relevant and influential without the business. In the past most of the emphasis has been on financial planning and finance-related goals.   When you have an expert on your team focused on the Wellness Portfolio alongside the owner’s financial and the business’s M&A portfolio, these delays are prevented and addressed.

Qualified Small Business Stock is a type of stock that includes immense tax relief for investors. Those benefits serve to stimulate investment in small businesses by mitigating the tax consequences that attach to their returns. Below is an article that discusses the definition of QSBS, the relevant IRC section at play, the tax benefits flowing from QSBS, the standards for obtaining QSBS, and the costs and importance involved in gaining a QSBS certification. What is Qualified Small Business Stock? Qualified Small Business Stock is that class of stock issued by a small C corporation that meets specific qualifications specified in the Internal Revenue Code. It enables the investor in QSBS to exclude from federal income taxation up to 100% of the capital gain realized upon the sale of such stock, provided certain requirements are met. The provision is meant to incentivize investment in startups and small businesses as a means of promoting innovation and driving economic growth. Governing Section of the Internal Revenue Code Treatment of QSBS is given under Section 1202 of the Internal Revenue Code. This section was enacted as part of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993 and has undergone several amendments to expand the benefits available to investors. Section 1202 outlines those requirements that must be satisfied for stock to qualify as QSBS, along with particular tax benefits available to the investors. Examples of Qualified Small Business Stock Tax Benefits Investing in QSBS offers substantial benefits in terms of tax. Example: Exclusion of Capital Gains: Depending on when the QSBS was acquired, up to 100% of the capital gains from the sale of QSBS can be excluded from federal income tax. The exclusion percentages are as follows: 50% of the stock acquired from August 11, 1993 to February 17, 2009. 75% for stock acquired between February 18, 2009 and September 27, 2010. 100% for stock acquired after September 27, 2010. Limitation on Gain: The amount of gain to be excluded is limited to the greater of $10 million or ten times the adjusted basis in the stock. The generous cap allows for significant tax savings by investors. The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) stipulates that gains exempted under Section 1202 do not qualify as preference items for the purposes of AMT, potentially offering supplementary tax relief. State Tax Benefits: Some states follow federal QSBS exclusion rules, giving additional state tax benefits. Investors should check the particular rules of the state pertaining to QSBS. How to Meet the QSBS Requirements To qualify for QSBS treatment, certain requirements must be met: Qualified Small Business: The issuing corporation must be a domestic C-corporation and it must meet the definition of a “qualified small business.” A qualified small business is one in which the corporation’s aggregate gross assets do not exceed $50 million at any time before and immediately after the issuance of the stock. Active Business Requirement: During at least 80% of the period the investment is held, assets of the corporation must be used in the active conduct of one or more qualified trades or businesses. The following types of businesses specifically do not qualify:. The stock must be obtained directly from the corporation when the stock is originally issued, in exchange for money, other property but not stock, or as compensation for services. Holding Period: The investor must hold the QSBS for more than five years to qualify under the capital gains exclusion. These requirements are often complex to navigate, and guidance is usually sought from a tax specialist to ensure compliance with the law. What is a Qualified Small Business Stock Attestation? A Qualified Small Business Stock Attestation is the declaration of a corporation; a formal statement that the stock of the particular corporation meets all the qualifications necessary for the classification to be deemed a QSBS under Section 1202 of the Internal Revenue Code. This certification gives assurance of qualification both to investors and the tax authorities, confirming the eligibility for the tax advantages to the owners. Importance and Cost of a Qualified Small Business Stock Attestation Investor Confidence: It enhances investor confidence because the attestation is basically a documented proof that the stock is qualified for favorable tax treatment; thus, making it more attractive to prospective investors. Tax Compliance: An attestation plays a crucial role in confirming adherence to tax regulations and can promote more efficient engagement with tax authorities. It functions as proof that the corporation satisfies the QSBS requirements, which may streamline the tax reporting procedure. Risk Mitigation: The attestation works by giving a risk mitigation of disputes or challenges in the future that may develop in the mind of the IRS about the stock’s QSBS status. Cost The costs for obtaining a QSBS certification will depend on many factors, such as the extent of complexity of the company’s organizational structure and how much any given professional services company charges for providing the certification. In most cases, the costs range between several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. Regardless of the monetary investment, the tax advantages likely to be gained for the backers, coupled with increased certainty of conformity, could make the expense a wise investment. Conclusion Qualified Small Business Stock provides substantial tax advantages to investors in the interest of enabling small businesses to energize the economy. Controlled by Section 1202 of the Internal Revenue Code, QSBS enables considerable exclusions from federal income taxation of capital gains. However, fulfilling these requirements can be tricky, and the ability to get a QSBS attestation may provide much value through assurance with compliance and qualification for huge tax benefits. Although obtaining such certification does involve some costs, the potential tax incentives and reduced liabilities make it an important consideration for companies and investors alike.

Depending on who you are talking to, Private Equity is either the Great Satan or the savior of small and mid-market companies in the United States. The stories depend a lot on the personal experience of the speakers. Once a vehicle for high-risk investment plays in corporate takeovers (see Bryan Burrough’s Barbarians at the Gate,) Private Equity has morphed into tranches where specialists seek opportunities in everything from a Main Street entrepreneurship to multi-billion-dollar entities. What is Private Equity? The term itself is relatively generic. According to Pitchbook, there are currently 17,000 Private Equity Groups (or PEGs) operating in the US. The accepted business model for our purposes is a limited partnership that raises money to invest in closely held companies. The purpose is plain. Well-run private businesses typically produce a better return on investment than publicly traded entities. The current Price to Earnings (or PE – just to be a little more confusing) ratio of the S&P 500 is about 27.5. This is after a long bull market has raised stock prices considerably. The ratio is up 11.5% in the last year. That means the average stock currently returns 3.6% profit on its price. Of course, the profits are not usually distributed to the shareholders in their entirety. Compare that to the 18% to 25% return many PEGs promise their investors. It’s easy to see why they are a favorite of high net worth individuals, hedge funds and family offices. As the Private Equity industry has matured and diversified, they have even drawn investment from the usually more conservative government and union pension funds. Private Equity Types Among those 17,000 PEGs the types range from those who have billions in “dry powder” (investable capital,) to some who claim to know of investors who would probably put money into a good deal if asked. Of course, which type of PEG you are dealing with is important information for an owner considering an offer. private equity moneyThe “typical” PEG as most people know it has a fund for acquisitions. It may be their first, or it may be the latest of many funds they’ve raised. This fund invests in privately held businesses. Traditionally PEGs in the middle market space would only consider companies with a free cash flow of $1,000,000 or greater. That left a plethora of smaller businesses out of the game. For a dozen years I’ve been writing about the pending flood of exiting Boomers faced with a lack of willing and able buyers. I should have known better. Business abhors a vacuum. Searchfunders Faced with an overabundance of sellers and a dearth of capable buyers, Private Equity spawned a new model to take advantage of the market, the Searchfunders. These are typically younger individuals, many of whom graduated from one of the “EBA” (Entrepreneurship By Acquisition) programs now offered by almost two dozen business schools. These programs teach would-be entrepreneurs how to seek out capital, structure deals, and conduct due diligence. Some Searchfunders are “funded”, meaning they have investors putting up a stipend for their expenses. Others are “self-funded.” They find a deal, and then negotiate with investment funds to back them financially. Both PEGs and Searchfunders seek “platform” companies, those that have experienced management or sufficiently strong operational systems to absorb “add-on” or “tuck-in” acquisitions. The costs of a transaction have bumped many seasoned PEGs into $2,000,000 and up as a cash flow requirement. Searchfunders have happily moved into the $500,000 to $2,000,000 market. In the next article we’ll discuss how PEGs can promise returns that are far beyond the profitability of the businesses they buy.

Early last month, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) proposed the Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings rule. The aim is to curb heat related injuries or death which OSHA identifies as “the leading cause of death among all hazardous weather conditions in the United States.” The proposal places new responsibilities on employers: establishing heat thresholds, developing Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Plans, regularly monitoring temperatures, and establishing safety measures when heat thresholds are met. This rule is yet to be finalized however, it is a sign of what’s to come. The standard applies to all employers except for the following: Work activities for which there is no reasonable expectation of exposure at or above the initial heat trigger. Short duration employee exposures at or above the initial heat trigger of 15 minutes or less in any 60-minute period. Organizations whose primary function is the performance of firefighting and other certain emergency services. Work activities performed in indoor work areas or vehicles where air conditioning consistently keeps the ambient temperature below 80°F. Telework (work from home). Sedentary work activities at indoor work areas that only involve some combination of the following: sitting, occasional standing and walking for brief periods of time, and occasional lifting of objects weighing less than 10 pounds. Heat Thresholds There are two heat thresholds which will trigger employer action: An “initial heat trigger” means a heat index of 80°F or a wet bulb globe temperature (defined below) equal to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Alert Limit; and A “high heat trigger” means a heat index of 90°F or a wet bulb globe temperature equal to the NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit. The “heat index” is calculated by measuring the ambient temperature and humidity. Wet bulb globe temperature is a heat metric that considers ambient temperature, humidity, radiant heat from sunlight or artificial heat sources and air movement. Employers may choose either method of measuring the temperature.   Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (HIIPP) Requirements If an employer does not fall under the exceptions, it must develop a HIIPP with the input of non-managerial employees and their representatives for occasions when the heat threshold is surpassed. This plan may vary on the worksite but must be written if the employer has more than 10 employees and use a language employees will understand. The HIIPP must contain: A comprehensive list of the type of work activities covered by the HIIPP Policies and procedures needed to remain compliant with the standard. Identification of which heat metric the employer will use heat index or wet bulb globe temperature. A plan for when the heat threshold is met. Along with creating the HIIPP, employers must designate one or more “heat safety coordinators” responsible for implementing and monitoring the HIIPP. The HIIPP must be reviewed at least annually or whenever a heat related injury or illness results in death, days off work, medical treatment exceeding first aid, or loss of consciousness. Employers must seek input from non-managerial employees and their representatives during any reviews or updates. The definition of “representative” is not defined; if this is broadly defined, this could be a major complexity employers must face. Identifying Heat Hazards Employers must monitor heat conditions at outdoor work areas by: Monitoring temperatures at a sufficient frequency; and Track heat index forecasts or Measure the heat index or wet bulb globe temperature at or as close as possible to the work areas. For indoor work areas, employers must: Identify work areas where there is an expectation that employees will be exposed to heat at or above the initial heat trigger; and Create a monitoring plan covering each identified work area and include this work area in the HIIPP. Employers must evaluate affected work areas and update their monitoring plan whenever there is a change in production processes or a substantial increase to the outdoor temperature. The heat metric employers choose will affect the thresholds. If no heat metric is specified, the heat metric will be the heat index value.  Employers are exempt from monitoring if they assume the temperature is at or above both the initial and high heat trigger, in which case they must follow the controls below. Control Measures When Heat Triggers are Met When the initial heat trigger is met, employers must: Provide cool accessible drinking water of sufficient quantity (1 quart per employee per hour). Provide break areas at outdoor worksites with natural shade, artificial shade, or air conditioning (if in an enclosed space). Provide break areas at indoor worksites with air conditioning or increased air movement, and if necessary de-humidification. For indoor work areas, provide air conditioning or have increased air movement, and if necessary de-humidification. In cases of radiant heat sources, other measures must be taken (e.g., shielding/barriers and isolating heat sources). Provide employees a minimum 15-minute paid rest break in break areas at least every two hours (a paid or unpaid meal break may count as a rest break). Allow and encourage employees to take paid rest breaks to prevent overheating. At ambient temperatures above 102° F, evaluate humidity to determine if fan use is harmful. Provide acclimatization plans for new employees or employees who have been away for more than 2 weeks. Maintain effective two-way communication between management and employees. Implement a system to observe signs and symptoms of heat related problems (e.g., a Buddy system). When the high heat trigger is met, employers are additionally required to: Provide employees with hazard notifications prior to the work shift or upon determining the high heat trigger is met which includes: the importance of drinking water, employees right to take rest breaks, how to seek help in a heat emergency, and the location of break areas and water. Place warning signs at indoor work areas with ambient temperatures exceeding 102° F. Other Requirements Training: all employees and supervisors expected to perform work above the heat thresholds must be trained before starting such work and annually.   What’s Next? The rule is yet to be published in the Federal Register. Once this happens, there will be a 120-day comment period when all members of the public may offer OSHA their opinion about the rule. Whether this rule comes to fruition may also depend on which party wins the White House. Furthermore, if finalized this rule would likely be challenged in the courts, which now have more discretion to overrule agency rules following the US Supreme court case of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless Inc. v. Department of Commerce (overturning the Chevron deference decision). Employers should review their heat illness prevention policies to maintain compliance with regulations. If you have questions, call competent labor and employment counsel. Brody and Associates regularly advises management on complying with the latest local, state and federal employment laws.  If we can be of assistance in this area, please contact us at or 203.454.0560  


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