Yvonne G Levine

Call Me When… You need a veteran B2B marketing strategist and customized marketing solutions.

B2B businesses, particularly professional services, are some of the most skeptical and risk-averse companies when it comes to embracing marketing. I should know because I service this client base. However, once I explain how marketing can elevate awareness and increase ROI, most B2B companies will adopt today’s proven digital marketing tactics. In today’s blog, we explore some common myths and provide insights into the power of B2B marketing. Common Marketing Myths Debunked Myth #1: My website is the only marketing initiative my business needs. First, having a website is a critical piece of any marketing plan, but it’s not enough. Many business owners believe having a website is enough to generate leads and grow their business. Unfortunately, this is a myth. While a website is important, it’s far from the only marketing investment you need. In today’s digital landscape, there are numerous marketing tactics that you can use to grow your business. From email marketing and content creation to social media marketing and search engine optimization, there are many approaches that you can use to increase your visibility and reach potential customers. Additionally, it’s important to remember that having a website is not a one-time investment. You must constantly update and optimize your site for the best results and develop a comprehensive marketing strategy incorporating multiple tactics. This will ensure you can reach your target audience and build a strong brand presence. Myth #2: B2Bs don’t need a marketing strategy. When it comes to marketing, B2B companies need to take a strategic approach to ensure their efforts are successful. Without a plan in place, there is a risk of wasting time and money on tactics that are not effective. On the other hand, a well-crafted

Effective branding includes everything that influences the opinions of consumers about you, your product, or your service. The ability to be authentic and humanize your brand provides a critical connection to your customers—one that engenders loyalty and increases sales. Your brand is your most important asset. Fact: Everyone has an existing brand, whether intentional or not. The key is to be proactive about your personal brand. Whether you are a budding entrepreneur, a mid-level executive looking to move up in your organization, a business owner, or a professional services specialist, paying careful attention to your personal brand is essential for long-term success. This article explores the importance of managing your personal brand. YOU HAVE A BRAND, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT One word: Google If you don’t take ownership of your brand, the Internet will do it for you. Have you ever Googled yourself? Go ahead. What are the results? Are you surprised? Is it the lack of information or some surprising uncomfortable results? It’s time to embrace your personal brand. If you have neglected your brand presence, it’s not too late. As with any endeavor, focus and consistency will generate positive results. Add search engine optimization (SEO) to the mix, and you will find that your brand will advance and opportunities will increase.

Simply put, a predictable revenue model is a framework for consistency that provides business growth data based on a formulaic process. Think, forecasting. Implementing a predictable revenue model provides business owners an understanding of average revenue over time, including leads (MQL and SQL), sales growth, cost of customer acquisition, and more. In this new blog, the marketing experts at YGL Enterprises explain marketing’s role in predictable revenue and why implementing this model is essential to organic growth and a strengthened business valuation. WHAT IS ON THE BUSINESS HORIZON Consider these startling statistics in the U.S.: Over 78 million people are closing in on retirement in the next 10-15 years. Baby Boomers own 65%+ of businesses, totaling nearly four million companies. Retiring business owners plan to sell or bequeath $10 trillion worth of assets by 2025. The Baby Boomer generation controls roughly 80% of all U.S. aggregate net worth. Ultimately, this means that a tsunami of Boomers is on the precipice of selling their businesses. All of that said, what does this trend have to do with marketing, specifically? A lot! When it’s time to sell, owners who haven’t developed and implemented structured marketing strategies will be at a disadvantage as potential buyers consider the “market value” of buying said business. WHY MARKETING IMPACTS BUSINESS VALUE Every business must invest in marketing-related activities—it doesn’t matter if you are a start-up enterprise or have been in business for 40 years. If prospective buyers don’t know about the company, there’s little opportunity for growth. No growth, no revenue. Unfortunately, many businesses, especially small businesses, don’t invest the time and money in 

Why does a business need a multichannel marketing approach? Because today’s consumer seeks information through various communication channels regardless of industry or size. Therefore, all businesses need to consider a variety of touchpoints to build greater awareness of their product or service. This

Are you struggling to keep up with the latest marketing trends and whether you should embrace the latest technologies? Does it really matter if your website is mobile-friendly? How does AI impact your company’s ability to identify new customers and increase brand loyalty? Find out answers to these questions and other insights in my recent blog,