How to Conquer During Turbulent Times Best Seller Greg Reid author of “Success and Something Greater: Your Magic Key”

Date: November 19, 2021

Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. EST

Platform: Zoom

Questions: Chat

Click Here to Get a Ticket: Greg Reid

In Think and Grow Rich – Success and Something Greater, authors Sharon Lechter and Greg Reid once again join forces with the Napoleon Hill Foundation including never before published original content from Napoleon Hill.

In today’s world of instant news and social media, businesses, leaders and influencers must find a way to differentiate themselves from all their competition and engage people in their missions. They need to rise above all the noise.  They can do this by defining their Success Secrets or Magic Key. Reid and Lechter followed the proven path of Hill and sought out multi-millionaires and asked them to share the Magic Keys to their success and legacy.

While their individual stories differ significantly, they all share a devotion to their mission…to their Success Secrets…their Magic Key…their legacy.

  • John Assaraf – Mastery of Thought
  • John Ashworth – Find the Gap in the Marketplace
  • Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey – Ask the Right Questions
  • Rita Davenport – Build Your People

These are just a few of the people who share their stories in Think and Grow Rich – Success and Something Greater. Their stories are not just motivational…they are real…they are honest…they take the reader on their personal journeys.  The readers will not just relate to the individuals highlighted in the book they will begin looking for how they can adopt their Magic Keys into their own journeys.  Before reaching the last page, the reader will already be more self-confident, more energized, more focused, ready to ask the right questions and most importantly ready to take action and realize their own success, wealth and achievement, and in doing so, define and create their legacy.

Greg is an entrepreneur known for his giving spirit and a knack for translating complicated situations into simple, digestible concepts. As an action taking phenomenon, strategy turns into results fast and furious, and relationships are deep and rich in the space he orbits. A firm believer in the role of win-win partnerships and making a difference in others to succeed. He can be found having a great time brewing up inspiration, occasionally breaking into song and dance, and being of service to those around him.

Updated: 3:36 pm

About the author
Marc Kramer of Stress Free Family Business is a member of XPX Philadelphia

When the parents want to prepare their children to take over the business and/or when the parents and kids are fighting with each other and a cooler experienced head is needed.