How to shift from doom to possibility so you can serve your clients well during this uncertain time.
I say it all the time, but I want to gently remind you. Your mind’s activity works in a way that sometimes is NOT helpful. Especially in these days, living in the catastrophe’s and pandemic life right now, our minds are on overdrive protecting us.
How in the world do we stop worrying and fretting right now?
Remember that Circumstances trigger not only thoughts but stories. I.e. the stock market dips and our mind says we are going to lose everything. Our mind is a frickin’ drama king/queen. And it steals our joy and our ability to be focused on the people and the activities we love. It robs us of our flow/productivity at work.
What’s a person to do?
Interrupt the story, get curious about the story, give yourself some grace while you peek in and look at what your mind is doing there.
The action of interruption is powerful.
What does interrupting, getting curious look like?
🗣In conversation: “Wow, with all that is going on today, I am making some really crappy conclusions.”
SPEAKING THE THOUGHTS OUT LOUD helps you to look at them instead of think them, believe them.
✍🏽In journaling: Listing everything that you’re thinking and reading it over, can create a powerful awareness instead of BEING IN those thoughts.
WE DO NOT HAVE TO THINK DIFFERENTLY. Just watching and observing our thoughts creates a powerful agency over ugly thoughts.
🧠In your mind: Ask better questions. Ask open ended questions and keep them coming until you feel a shift to a less dire state.
OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS disrupt powerfully, pointing the brain in another direction.
What is possible here?
What shift could I make?
What’s another way to think about it?
Could I give myself some grace here?
Lean into 🧠✍🏽🗣 and see what works for you here.
Mindset/Life Coach for Expert Advisors and Owners in Exit
ps I discuss all of these issues on my podcast. Here is one of my favorite recent episodes on building momentum.
pss my website is full of resources: