We know that a way higher-than-acceptable percent of those who sell their company have many regrets a year later. A piece of that is how well did they plan life beyond the sale? Purpose is a huge part of that, and we have many XPX members who are retirement coaches and help people plan for purpose. That is incredibly important.
And there is so much more. How is that person going to thoughtfully, proactively remain healthy, minimize their health-related risk factors, stay mentally sharp, have a robust social network since so much of their current social network is wrapped up with the business, partners, clients, etc.
And then what about knowing when and how to include family members so that inevitable changes in the future are fully planned? We have XPX members who plan the financial, the estate, the insurance pieces which are all important. There is a much deeper personal side that is rarely planned and leaves families not knowing what to do when a crisis happens, health declines, a spouse is lost, or other unexpected events.
All of this can be planned, and when it is, the future is brighter and more secure.
Selling the business just opens the door to new phases of life that are just as fulfilling and engage those prior business owners in new ways to engage with their community, their family, and their unique interests.
Purpose is not busy-ness. In a future article we will talk about how very important that differentiation is.