Multi-Advisor Value-Building in Motion


What does a real, collaborative, multi-advisor value-building project look like?

Get the in-depth story and play-by-play of a dynamic, complex value-building project from both the owner perspective and their multi-advisor team.

An in-depth panel discussion and Q&A with Owners and their XPX Advisory Team

A 2-part series: October 12th and November 9th

  • What’s the owner experience of a project with so many moving parts?
  • How does a 12-advisor team work efficiently together 
  • How did they integrate existing advisors? 
  • How did they adapt to the chaos of COVID? 
  • Where are they now in the value-building process?

Join Cara and Ben Barineau, owners of Blue Marble Video, and their XPX advisors David Shavzin, Maria Forbes and Jeff Armacost as they get really real on the challenges and successes. Mike Rosenthal moderates a fascinating panel demonstrating the core XPX principles in action.

Updated: Jan 12, 2022

About the author
Cheryl Centeno of XPX Global is a member of XPX

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