Business Value Transfer

Purpose after the sale is one of the biggest challenges for an exiting owner. Purpose – “Having as one’s intention or objective.” Many exit planning advisors discuss the three legs of the exit planning stool – business readiness, financial readiness and personal readiness. In our previous two articles, we focused on two of the “big three” components of a successful life after the sale, activity and identity. The third is purpose. So many advisors point to the 75% of former owners who “profoundly regret” their transition, and say it’s because they didn’t make enough money. To quote Mr. Bernstein in the great film Citizen Kane, “Well, it’s no trick to make a lot of money…if all you want is to make a lot of money.” I’ve interviewed hundreds of business founders. When asked why they started their companies, by far the most common answers are about providing for their families and having control of their future. Only a very small percentage say “I wanted to make a lot of money.” Decades of Purpose So what kept them working long hours and pushing the envelope after they had reached primary, secondary and even tertiary financial goals? Non-owners often chalk it up to greed, but Maslov’s hierarchy of needs drifts away from material rewards after the first two levels. Belonging, Self-Esteem and Self-Actualization may all have a financial component, but money isn’t the driver. For most owners, the driving motivation is this thing they’ve built. The company has a life of its own, but it’s a life they bestowed. They talk about the business’s growing pains and maturity. Owners are acutely aware of the multiplier effect the success of the company has on employees and their families. In a few cases, that multiplier extends to entire towns. That’s the purpose. To nurture and expand. In so many cases every process in the business was the founder’s creation. He or she picked out the furniture and designed the first logo. This aggregation of people breathes and succeeds on what the owner built. That’s why so many owners still put in 50 or more hours a week, long after there is any real need for their constant presence. This thing they created is their purpose. Purpose After the Sale It’s no surprise that so many owners find that 36 holes of golf each week, or 54, or 72, still isn’t enough to feel fulfilled. You can get incrementally better, but it doesn’t really affect anyone but you. Building a beautiful table or catching a trophy fish brings pride and some sense of accomplishment. Still, it never matches the feeling of creating something that impacts dozens, scores or hundreds of other human beings. That’s why we focus on purpose as the third leg of the personal vision. In the vast majority of cases, it involves impacting other people. Any owner spent a career learning how to teach and lead. Keeping those skills fresh and growing is a substantial part of the road to satisfaction. Purpose may involve church or a community service organization. It could be serving on a Board of Directors or consulting for other business owners. It might be writing or speaking. Purpose after the sale doesn’t require a 50-hour week, but it does require some level of commitment, and the ability to affect the lives of others.   This article was originally published by John F. Dini, CBEC, CExP, CEPA on

Life after the sale is often both the most important and most neglected factor in exit planning. Although (according to two different surveys in 2013 and 2022,) 75% of owners report regrets or unhappiness a year after the transition, exit plans continue to be constructed primarily around financial targets. In the event you haven’t heard this since you were five years old, “Money doesn’t fix everything.” Superficial Planning To be fair, most advisors include some conversation about “life after” in their planning conversations. Unfortunately, they are often satisfied with the features associated with an abundance of free time. Visiting the family, RV’ing through the country, playing 72 holes of golf a week, or seeing the great capitals of Europe can all be accomplished in the first year after ownership. When they attempt to broach the idea of longer-term activity, the client’s answer is often “Let’s get the money. Then I’ll worry about what to do with it.” It’s challenging to push beyond the client’s desire to focus on the most obvious goal, especially when it seems to enable everything that follows. Nonetheless, owners who are unhappy because they didn’t get enough money failed either to understand the realities of their transactions or the future cost of their life plans. That certainly isn’t 75% of planning clients. We are discussing the far greater number who have sufficient funds, but after their initial splurge of free time are unsure of what to do next. Emotional Preparation The first issue an exited owner faces is identity. “I used to own a company” quickly wears thin, and increasingly fades as years pass. “I’m retired” is a nebulous identity, and lumps them into a group with every wage earner who says the same. That’s a class they’ve proudly differentiated from for most of their lives. Some mental health professionals have compared the emotional reaction to missing ownership identity to post-partum depression. Their world has changed overnight. The principal subject of their interest is gone, and they aren’t sure what replaces it. Post-partum is characterized as including “a feeling of guilt, worthlessness, hopelessness or helplessness.” As an owner, there was always something else that needed their attention. Now there isn’t. Distress from discussing the daily news (which they now watch more frequently) used to be countered by a requirement to attend to the business. Now there is no business to attend to. The feeling of “What I do is important to a lot of people” has gone. Identity in Life After the Sale We encourage clients to at least mentally design their next business card. Handing someone your card is a shorthand version of declaring your identity. The first attempt by many is jocular but meaningless. “Part-time Philanthropist, Bon Vivant and Man About Town” is funny, but only once. “Grandparent, Outdoorsman and Classic Car Mechanic” is better. At least it describes real activities for further conversation. “Business Counselor and Chairman of the Board of (Charity Name)” describes an identity, ongoing contribution to something or someone, and a role of importance. It doesn’t have to be true today (we aren’t printing the business cards yet,) but it’s at least aspirational. Building a plan for life after the sale begins with establishing a future identity. There are several other components that we will cover in the next two articles.   This article was originally published by John F. Dini, CBEC, CExP, CEPA on

As we delve into 2024, the Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) landscape continues to evolve, shaped by the echoes of the COVID-era and the dynamics of the present. In a recent “Deal-by-Deal” podcast by McGuireWoods, I sat down with host Greg Hawver to dig into the trends and expectations shaping the M&A sector, particularly in the middle to lower middle market. Here’s a closer look at the key trends we discussed in the podcast and see impacting M&A in 2024. 1. Reflecting on 2023: A Year of Caution and Decline The year 2023 marked a significant downturn in M&A activities, recording one of the lowest deal-making volumes in a decade. This decline was not isolated but part of a continuing trend from the previous years, influenced by economic uncertainties and a shift in market dynamics. The year set a cautious tone, with both buyers and sellers recalibrating their strategies in response to the evolving economic landscape. 2. The Ascendancy of Corporate Deal-making A notable shift in 2023, expected to influence trends in 2024, is the increased involvement of corporates in M&A activities. With substantial cash reserves, corporates have been capitalizing on their ability to deploy capital efficiently, making them significant players in the M&A arena. This trend underscores the strategic realignment of companies as they navigate the complexities of the current economic climate. 3. Bridging the Valuation Gap A persistent theme, and one that’s expected to continue into 2024, is the disconnect between seller expectations and market valuations. Many sellers, influenced by the peak valuations of yesteryears, find themselves at odds with the current market realities. This valuation gap poses challenges but also opens up dialogues for recalibration and realignment of expectations, paving the way for more realistic and sustainable deal-making. 4. Anticipating the Pulse of 2024 The outlook for 2024 is cautiously optimistic, with the first half of the year likely mirroring the trends of 2023. However, as interest rates stabilize and valuation expectations align more closely between buyers and sellers, the latter half of the year could witness an uptick in M&A activities. This period of adjustment is crucial for both buyers and sellers to strategize and position themselves advantageously in the market. 5. The Evolution of Deal Structures and Financing The M&A landscape in 2024 is witnessing an increasing complexity in deal structures. With more equity rollovers and structured deals, parties are seeking ways to de-risk transactions. The rise of private credit is reshaping the financing of deals, filling the void left by traditional lenders. This trend highlights the need for innovative financing solutions and flexible deal structures in the current market. 6. Industry-Specific Trends and the Role of Technology Certain industries are poised to navigate 2024 differently, influenced by their cyclical nature and economic exposure. Additionally, the integration of AI and technology, especially in sectors like healthcare, is expected to drive transformation and create new opportunities. Staying attuned to these industry-specific trends and technological advancements will be key for M&A success in 2024. 7. Strategic Advice for Sellers and Buyers In this evolving landscape, being well-prepared is paramount. Sellers are advised to align their expectations with market realities and ensure their businesses are primed for sale. Buyers, on the other hand, are encouraged to cultivate relationships and explore unique opportunities, especially before companies are already launched into broad auction processes. As we navigate through 2024, the M&A landscape is marked by cautious optimism, strategic realignment, and an innovative approach to deal-making. By understanding these trends and adapting strategies accordingly, stakeholders in the M&A sector can navigate the complexities of the market and capitalize on the emerging opportunities.

Planning an optimal business sale requires careful consideration and understanding of various sale options and structures, as well as a thorough understanding of the sales’s effect on the business owner’s personal financial planning. Many owners leave money on the table during a sale while they stay focused on growing their business or finding the right buyer. Effective exit planning involves many moving pieces and may be a multi-year process which is why it is crucial for business owners to prioritize their personal goals alongside the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act isn’t renewed. On the other hand, capital gains rates can range from 0% to 23.8% at the federal level. The difference between ordinary income tax rates and capital gain tax rates can be profound, so any offer should be evaluated on an after-tax basis. Moreover, timing differences in long-term versus upfront compensation should also be adjusted to the present value when negotiating. Stock Sales Versus Assets Sales There are a significant number of implications and motivations when it comes to structuring a business sale as an asset sale versus a stock sale. While the business entity type and individual circumstances matter greatly, purchasers usually want to structure the sale as an asset sale, while stock sale transactions tend to be more optimal for business owners and their charitable strategies. These strategies can not only amplify their philanthropic impact but also potentially reduce their liability for capital gains taxes, income taxes, state taxes, and/or financial planners, business owners can align their personal and financial goals while enhancing their preparedness for a successful business sale. Sincerus Advisory.

Lifestyle and Legacy are two very different types of owner transition objectives. When we ask a client “What do you expect as a result of our exit planning?” the answer may be about the money, the time frame, or the impact on people. No matter how it is phrased, the response will break down into one of two major categories. It’s either about the owner’s future lifestyle, or the legacy that is left behind. Lifestyle Objectives Many clients want to exit to an enjoyable retirement. Usually, their primary concern is financial security. They want enough money to live comfortably, and to take care of their family. This is the reason many start their process by consulting with a financial planner, but lifestyle objectives can extend well beyond their bank account. A separate but related objective is time. It may be the time to travel without being chained to a laptop. The time to explore new things outside the business might result in formal education or training. Undertaking a new wellness regimen requires time, as does exploring a new hobby. Time might be used to engage in community service. An issue that is increasing in the Baby Boomer generation is the time to care for older family members. Another lifestyle issue is the ability to relocate. Moving to a place for favored activities, a better climate or to be closer to children (and grandchildren) often requires separation from the activities of the business. Legacy Objectives Some owners run their businesses for other than purely financial reasons. In these cases, they may be more concerned with how the business continues than the proceeds to be realized from a sale. Of course, a chief motivation for putting legacy at the top of the list is family succession. It might be a sense of obligation in a company that has already passed through multiple generations, or just a desire to provide future generations with the benefits of ownership. The role of the business in the community is also a legacy concern. The company could be a key employer in a small town, or a primary sponsor of a school or Little League. The owner’s name on the door or the preservation of long-standing business relationships can often affect the desirability of a buyer in the seller’s eyes. Environment, Social, or Governance (ESG) concerns have become increasingly important to some sellers. They want to make certain that the importance they place on these issues is shared by future ownership. Finally, the future growth and success of the business can be considered a legacy issue. An owner could have concern for the opportunities such growth provides to loyal employees, or whether innovations and proprietary processes will be expanded beyond their current limits. Lifestyle and Legacy Every owner’s objectives will have some combination of lifestyle and legacy concerns. They don’t necessarily conflict, but they involve differing perspectives.     This article was originally published by John F. Dini, CBEC, CExP, CEPA on

Mergers and acquisitions are successful because the subsequent integration provides value. The Board of Directors of the acquiring firm plays an important role in ensuring that the Executive Team has a good integration plan and implements it effectively. In addition, board members can be a great resource for those executives as they may have experienced what goes right (and what does not) during integrations. To learn more please see this article which I authored that was published in Private Company Director:

Defining the role of a coach on your exit planning team doesn’t just happen. Like any other aspect of working with consultants, you need to set expectations upfront. Many advisors like to characterize themselves as the “quarterback” of a transition planning team. I’ve always objected to that. We regard the business owner as the quarterback of the planning process. After all, the coach never gets sacked by a 300-pound defensive lineman. The advisor may want to win every bit as much as the business owner, but it’s the owner who actually has skin in the game. A Coach’s Responsibilities It’s one thing to say that you are a coach and another to act like it. Here are seven basic rules an owner should expect from the coach on a planning team.

Delegation and depth are critical when presenting your business as a buying opportunity. For many business owners, exit planning means getting the company ready for sale to a third party. There are a number of approaches to enhancing preparedness for a third-party sale. Assessing Readiness Some planning software products begin with a comprehensive survey of the owner’s impressions of readiness. Note that we say “impressions.” A Likert scale questionnaire that asks a client to rate their understanding of a statement and its possible implications with questions like “How confident are you that you know the value of your business?” and a ranking from “no understanding” to “extremely well” often creates more questions than answers. If an owner chooses “Fairly well,” for instance, does that mean he knows the value, or that he is fairly confident that he thinks he knows the value, or that he is really confident that he knows an approximate value? Nonetheless, some advisors will begin to build a plan around such subjective answers. In fact, many systems take these subjective answers and use them to produce a score and a subsequent evaluation with a dollar figure for the presumed worth of the business. Regardless of the accuracy of the owner’s responses, they have created a line in the sand regarding value. Keeping “Score” The next step is often to assess different areas of operations. Depending on the expertise of the advisor, this may focus on operating efficiencies, sales processes, marketing approaches, financial record keeping or product and customer mix. Then the advisor runs a second evaluation, presuming that these areas have a higher score. All this is intended to lead to one question. “Would you rather sell your business for $7,000,000 or for $12,000,000?” I know very few owners who would have the temerity to choose the first option, whether they have personal enthusiasm for embarking on a reorganization of their business or not. The methodology is legitimate. There is ample evidence that improved operations and greater profitability lead to a higher selling price. It may, however, create a scenario where the owner is boxed into the strategy that works best for the advisor, regardless of whether it matches the client’s objectives (“Get out as soon as possible,” for example) or the company’s capabilities. Delegation and Depth The first issue, an owner’s objectives, should be addressed by deeper discovery. That is what we preach and teach with our ExitMap® tools. The second, company readiness, is more a matter of delegation and depth. No business can embark on a comprehensive improvement process without a management team to implement it. That’s why we address Owner Centricity™ as the only area of company readiness that matters in the discovery phase of every engagement. If the client is already overwhelmed with personal responsibilities, new initiatives will just add more to an already over-full agenda. That’s a recipe for failure. We map out the management team starting with the owner’s responsibilities. Then we add those employees who are next in line for those duties, along with a 1, 2 or 3 score. One indicates that the employee is fully ready to assume the day-to-day activities of the job. A two means that the employee is generally familiar with the area, but not ready to assume primary responsibility. A three indicates that there is no knowledge or capability for this area. A 3 is also used when there just isn’t anyone available to train. Company Readiness Diagramming the management team in such a depth chart permits a far more comprehensive look at which improvements are possible now, and which will require additional training or recruiting. It also gives the advisor a better understanding of the areas the owner will have to delegate to make the business more saleable. In operational analysis, the capabilities of the management team are the principal determinant of the company’s readiness to grow. The owner’s willingness to discuss such delegation is by far the best indicator of his or her preparedness for any value enhancement efforts.   This article was originally published by John F. Dini, CBEC, CExP, CEPA on

Business owners are increasingly considering their timelines and options for a business transition. Consistent with prior years, that transition event is frequently a sale due to supply and demand factors. The majority of businesses are owned by baby boomers who are rapidly approaching the age of retirement. A financial crisis and pandemic in the last 15 years have taken their toll. On the demand side, record levels of cash on corporate balance sheets and the unprecedented amount of debt and equity capital needing to be invested have resulted in an attractive environment for many businesses in which to evaluate their alternatives. If you’re thinking of selling your business—either now or in the future—be prepared to show buyers the synergistic fit with your company. Make it clear that there is more to offer than the expense reductions achieved by running two businesses as one. It will further help you to make your case by understanding how the current environment is dramatically changing market conditions—forcing many buyers to search for ways to improve the sustainability of their business models and overcome new disruptions, whether in the form of new technology, competition or other forces. Carefully position your sale with these factors in mind—or risk leaving value on the deal table.   The synergies challenge   Often, if M&A synergies are negotiated, the focus is on cost synergies: how the sale will save money/reduce operating expenses for the new entity. The value of revenue synergies usually doesn’t get structured into the deal price. Here’s why: Cost synergies, such as reducing headcount or eliminating duplicate facilities, are easier to anticipate and quantify. Such actions are also within management’s control, so there’s a greater probability of achieving results, and in a shorter timeframe after the deal closes. This is especially true when the buyer is publicly traded and must justify the value of a merger or acquisition to shareholders. To calculate future financial performance (i.e., the run rate), companies typically project the value of expense-saving synergies and give less attention to those that build sales or enhance market position. Revenue synergies are more difficult to quantify, in part because success is heavily dependent on others: the buyer (i.e., post-merger integration success) and various third parties (customers, resellers, competitors). Also, the value of revenue synergies, such as entering new markets, enhancing technological capabilities and adding complementary product sets, typically takes longer to realize. And the longer it takes and the more challenging to achieve, the less likely the seller will receive a share of the potential value. Timeline of operating synergies

When preparing for the transfer of a business, there are many stakeholders who can impact your plan. Some have direct authority or decision-making capability over the transaction, but others may have substantial influence. In general, it’s best to presume that anyone who has a relationship with the owner or the business will have some impact on his or her decisions. Internal Stakeholders Of primary importance are partners and shareholders. Even when an owner has a voting majority, minority partners may have an official or unofficial veto. “Official” comes in the form of supermajority rights. Unofficial may be in the form of a threat to terminate employment, which in some cases may make the business unsaleable. If the minority holders are the intended recipients of the equity, they will function as both key components of the company’s value, and negotiators of the price to be paid for that value. Employees are the other major internal stakeholders. Could they be a flight risk in the owner’s absence? Are they in danger of losing special status or privilege under new management? What is the plan for informing and updating them before and after a deal is struck? Family With most business owners, their equity in the business is 50% or more of their personal net worth. That makes future ownership, sale price and coordination with the estate plan items of great interest to spouses and children. In today’s serial family relationships, that can also involve step-siblings, former spouses, and their new partners’ families. If there are children in the business, their future is inextricably tied to the company. If some children are in the business and some outside of it, the entitlements and expectations grow even more complicated. Business Relationships Customers may be transactional, as in retail, or strategic partners whose own business depends on what the company supplies. In such cases, or when customers are government entities, they may have contractual rights to approve a change in ownership. In any case, the valuation of the business is going to depend at least partially on the retention of customers. Suppliers have similar interests. We recently saw a distribution arrangement canceled simply because the supplier was insulted by not being informed about the company’s merger negotiations. The fact that they were conducted under a confidentiality agreement didn’t appease the supplier. Creditors and lenders who hold personal guarantees are bound to be concerned about ownership changes. Be proactive in letting them know how their security interests will be preserved. Public Stakeholders Government entities, especially any with regulatory responsibility over the industry, should also be approached proactively. Waiting for them to recognize a change may seem like “discretion as the better part of valor,” but untimely intervention could derail a transaction. If the company is an important employer, a candidate for relocation, or a fixture in the community, some outreach to elected officials may be advisable. Finally, consider the media. Plenty of business owners have complained about interviews that were slanted, reported inaccurately, or “just plain wrong.” If the transaction is newsworthy (and even if it isn’t,) prepare a professional announcement and a list of where it should be distributed. Refer to it, word for word if necessary, whenever someone calls for comment. Thinking in advance about the impact of an exit plan on the various stakeholders can save advisors and their clients a lot of headaches when a deal is signed.   This article was originally published by John F. Dini, CBEC, CExP, CEPA on

That is a question many businesses have faced over the years. Today, there are businesses that saw big increases in sales during the early days of the pandemic (2020 – 2021), but 2022 softened and 2023 seems kind of flat. This is especially true in many retail businesses “selling things”. Why? Because many consumers switched to buying services (travel, etc.), after redecorating their house, or buying power sports equipment, etc. Since leisure travel is almost back to 2019 levels, and inflation surged (at least for a while), there is only so much money to go around. As a business owner who wants to sell in such a scenario, you have to show financials from 2018 to 2022, and then estimate 2023 and 2024. If you can show that overall business growth from 2018 to now, then buyers may see this sales dip as part of the normal business cycle. That said, as a seller, you should be prepared for a price that reflects the business as it is, not what it was in 2020-2021. You also may see buyers put earn-outs into their offers, that are based on your forecast for 2024 and 2025. This give your the opportunity to get more money over the next year or two, versus what you may get at the closing table. So the answer to my question is “yes”, you can sell a business when sales take a dip, but you have to be flexible and show that there are growth opportunities for the buyer.

In my work with family-owned businesses and various enterprises, I’ve observed a recurring theme: the unexpected pitfalls during the acquisition process. And let me tell you, nothing derails a potential deal faster than financial surprises. So, how do you ensure transparency and trust from both sides of the table? The answer lies in a Quality of Earnings (QoE) report. For buyers, the due diligence phase is akin to peeling back the layers of an onion. You want to uncover the core, understand the real financial health of a company, and ensure there are no hidden liabilities. A QoE report does precisely that. It provides a deep dive into the company’s earnings, highlighting any non-recurring items, assessing the sustainability of earnings, and giving a clear picture of the company’s financial trajectory. Simply put, it’s your roadmap to making an informed decision. But here’s a perspective many sellers often overlook: Why wait for the buyer to dictate the narrative? As the owner, you’ve poured your heart and soul into your business. You know its value, its potential, and its challenges. But perception is a powerful tool. By proactively conducting a QoE report, you’re not just preparing for the sale; you’re controlling the narrative. You’re ensuring that the story told is accurate, fair, and representative of your business’s true value. Imagine the scenario: You’re in a negotiation, and the buyer presents a list of financial concerns. But instead of being caught off guard, you’re a step ahead. You’ve already addressed these in your QoE report, providing clarity and, more importantly, solutions. This proactive approach not only builds trust but also positions you in a place of authority. It says, “I understand my business, and I’ve done my homework.” In my experience, the most successful transitions are those where both parties come to the table informed, prepared, and transparent. A QoE report is not just a document; it’s a testament to your commitment to a fair and successful acquisition. It eliminates the “what-ifs” and replaces them with “here’s how.” To my fellow business owners, I urge you: Don’t wait for the buyer to shine a light on your financials. Take the reins, be proactive, and ensure that the story told is the one you’ve lived, nurtured, and grown. After all, who better to tell your business’s story than you?


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As an advisor, your role is to help clients prepare to exit their business, yet many people resist thinking about the future because it involves so many unknowns, decisions, and choices.  And emotions typically complicate matters further, sometimes derailing the process altogether.  Here are some questions that can help you establish rapport with your clients, learn more about their concerns, and move the conversation forward. How are you feeling about your work/profession/business these days? Which aspects of work are you still enjoying, and which are you ready to leave behind? Do you envision retiring from work at some point, or are you contemplating an encore career? What part of planning for your future feels most challenging? How do you imagine your life in retirement will be different from how it is now? What process are you using to figure out what you’ll do next after you retire? What would you like to see happen with your business long term? What options have you considered for the transfer of your business? What steps have you taken to make your business more attractive to a potential buyer? What are your concerns about transitioning your firm to new ownership? What would be your ideal scenario for transitioning out of your company? What topic(s) have we touched on today that we should put on our agenda to revisit? So, what happens after you pose a few of these questions and your clients open up about emotional matters?  Remember, the most helpful thing you can do is to listen attentively.  You’ve created a valuable opportunity for them to talk about things they may not share with other advisors.   Here are some tips for managing the conversation when clients raise emotionally loaded topics: Don’t try to “fix things” by immediately offering suggestions. Doing so sends the message that you’re uncomfortable hearing their concern.  You can offer suggestions but do so later. Don’t say anything that conveys the message that their feeling or concern is unwarranted. “There’s really no need to feel that way” or “I’m sure it will be just fine” may sound reassuring to you but could be experienced as dismissive by your client. Don’t immediately offer a logical counterpoint to your client’s emotion. Remember, feelings don’t have to make sense; they’re “as is”.  Put another way, if feelings made sense, they would be thoughts. People report concerns and characterize their feelings differently from one another, so it’s in your best interest to seek amplification and clarification by inquiring as follows . . . “I want to make sure that I understand exactly what you mean by ___.  Can you tell me more?” “People sometimes mean slightly different things when they talk about ___.  What does ___ mean for you?” “Before I suggest anything, I’d like to learn more about it from your perspective.” It’s possible that during early conversations your client may hint at mixed feelings about exiting their business.  That’s perfectly normal, but you need to bring it out into the open.  You want to foster an atmosphere such that your client keeps you apprised about where they’re at.  If they keep their ambivalence to themselves, it has greater potential to blindside you and complicate the sale.  You can say: “In my experience, it’s normal to have some mixed emotions about selling.  Those thoughts may not always be top of mind, but when they do pop up let’s be sure to talk about them.  Believe it or not, they can help inform our process and alert us to aspects of the sale that are important to you.” You may also find that your client is overly risk averse.  If so, consider saying the following: “Our work together won’t be comprehensive if we only plan for what could go wrong.  That’s just half the equation.  It’s fine to be conservative and err on the side of caution, but to be truly realistic we should also consider a range of possibilities both good and bad.”   Author’s Note:  The concepts in this article are derived from Robert Leahy’s book, Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive Therapy.  New York:  Guilford

For five decades, the southern United States has been an attractive location for automakers to open plants thanks to generous tax breaks and cheaper, non-union labor. However, after decades of failing to unionize automakers in the South, the United Auto Workers dealt a serious blow to that model by winning a landslide union victory at Volkswagen. In an effort to fight back, three southern states have gotten creative: they passed laws barring companies from receiving state grants, loans and tax incentives if the company voluntarily recognizes a union or voluntarily provides unions with employee information. The laws also allow the government to claw back incentive payments after they were made. While these laws are very similar, each law has unique nuances. If you are in an impacted state, you should seek local counsel. In 2023, Tennessee was the first state to pass such a law. This year, Georgia and Alabama followed suit. So why this push? In 2023, the American Legislative Exchange Council (“ALEC”), a nonprofit organization of conservative state legislators and private sector representatives who draft and share model legislation for distribution among state governments, adopted Tennessee’s law as model legislation. In fact, the primary sponsor of Tennessee’s bill was recognized as an ALEC Policy Champion in March 2023. ALEC’s push comes as voluntary recognition of unions gains popularity as an alternative to fighting unions. We recently saw this with the high-profile Ben & Jerry’s voluntary recognition. Will this Southern strategy work to push back against growing union successes? Time will tell. Brody and Associates regularly advises its clients on all labor management issues, including union-related matters, and provides union-free training.  If we can be of assistance in this area, please contact us at or 203.454.0560.  

I once had the thrill of interviewing Jerry West on management. He was “The Logo” for the NBA, although back then they didn’t advertise him as such. Only the Laker followers knew for sure. In 1989 the “Showtime” Lakers were coming off back-to-back championships.  Pat Riley was a year away from his first of three Coach of the Year awards. 

Can you Offer Too Many SKUs to Your Customers? The short answer is YES! A SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, defines each different product version that you sell and keep inventory of.  There may be different SKUs of the same overall item based on size, color, capacity (think computer or cellphone memory), features, and many other parameters.  For build to forecast businesses, that number of variations can quickly explode and become difficult to manage. Your customers are busy and want ordering simplified. Of course, they may need (or want) more than one variation of a product. That is reasonable and a common aspect of business – one size does not fit all! But there is a point where too offering too many SKUs is not value added either for your customer or your business.  In his April 30, 2013 article “Successful Retailers Learn That Fewer Choices Trigger More Sales” in Forbes, Carmine Gallo discusses his experience and a study about “choice overload” by other authors. He writes about a retailer that “has discovered that giving a customer more than three choices at one time actually overwhelms customers and makes them frustrated…when the customer is faced with too many choices at once, it leaves the customer confused and less likely to buy from any of the choices!” Choice overload is well-documented in consumer studies but can apply in B2B as well. While customer satisfaction is important, another key concern is the often-hidden costs associated with a business offering and managing a large number of SKUs for a given product type. These costs include holding inventory, S&OP (Sales and Operations Planning) team time, small production runs, and scrapping inventory. Holding inventory takes up space, which may come with a cost or utilize racks that could be used for other products. Scheduled inventory counts take up employee time and may result in blackout periods when the warehouse is not shipping product.  The more SKUs there are, including extra SKUS, the greater the potential impact. The Sales team’s forecasting and the Operations team’s purchasing reviews that are part of the S&OP process can occupy more of their valuable time if they need to consider these times. If small orders or forecasts require a new production run, this could be costly and create excess inventory. Whether from this new production or past builds, eventually it will make sense to write off and scrap old inventory, another cost impact to the company. How do you know which SKUs to focus on if you wish to look at reducing your total number of SKUs? Start by examining SKUs that have: Low historic sales over a period of time Small variations between SKUs that customers do not value Older technology or model when newer option SKUs are available This requires a true partnership between Sales and Operations. It starts with educating both teams on the costs involved – neither group may be aware of the money and time impact to the company. Periodic (such as quarterly) reviews of SKUs that meet the above descriptions should become a fixed part of the calendar. A review of the data and other available for sale options should result in the identification of SKUs which may not be needed. At that point, it is helpful to have a customer friendly EOL (End of Life) Notice process by which you inform customers of last time buy requirements for this SKU and alternates available. It is usually best to provide some time for the last time buy in the interest of customer satisfaction, although that may not always be necessary. At a company that designed and sold electronics, a robust SKU rationalization process was implemented to help address these issues. A representative from the Operations team analyzed SKUs that met a version of the above criteria and suggested candidates for the EOL process. Next, a member of the Sales team reviewed them and, where appropriate, issued product change or EOL notices to customers, providing them time for last time buy orders when needed. These steps helped reduce the work involved in maintaining these SKUs while not leading to any customer complaints. A final note – sometimes it makes sense to continue offering low selling SKUs – to support customers buying other items (hopefully in larger quantities). It may be worthwhile to encourage them to keep coming back to you for all of their product needs and this may be a way to accomplish that. But it helps to understand that this is truly the case and not assume that this customer would not be equally happy with another, more popular, SKU.   Steven Lustig is founder and CEO of Lustig Global Consulting and an experienced Supply Chain Executive.  He is a recognized thought leader in supply chain and risk mitigation, and serves on the Boards of Directors for Loh Medical and Atlanta Technology Angels.

When it comes to careers, business owners are a minority of the population. In conversations this week, I mentioned the statistics several times, and each owner I was discussing it with was surprised that they had so few peers. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), there are over 33,000,000 businesses in the US. Let’s discount those with zero employees. Many are shell companies or real estate holding entities. Also, those with fewer than 5 employees, true “Mom and Pop” businesses, are hard to distinguish from a job. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Association, lists businesses with 5 to 99 employees at about 3,300,000, and 123,000 have 100 to 500 employees (the SBA’s largest “small business” classification.) Overall, that means about 1% of the country are private employers. Owners are a small minority, a very small minority, of the population. Even if we only count working adults (161,000,000) business owners represent only a little more than 2% of that population. So What? Where am I going with this, and how does it relate to our recent discussions of purpose in business exit planning? It’s an important issue to consider when discussing an owner’s identity after transition. Whether or not individual owners know the statistics of their “rare species” status in society, they instinctively understand that they are different. They are identified with their owner status in every aspect of their business and personal life. At a social event, when asked “What do you do?” they will often respond “I own a business.” It’s an immediate differentiator from describing a job. “I am a carpenter.” or “I work in systems engineering,” describes a function. “I am a business owner” describes a life role. When asked for further information, the owner frequently replies in the Imperial first person plural. “We build multi-family housing,” is never mistaken for a personal role in the company. No one takes that answer to mean that the speaker swings a hammer all day. Owners are a Minority We process much of our information subconsciously. If a man enters a business gathering, for example, and the others in the room are 75% female, he will know instinctively, without consciously counting, that this business meeting or organization is different from others he attends. Similarly, business owners accept their minority status without thinking about it. They expect that the vast majority of the people they meet socially, who attend their church, or who have kids that play sports with theirs, work for someone else. There are places where owners congregate, but otherwise, they don’t expect to meet many other owners in the normal course of daily activity. This can be an issue after they exit the business. You see, telling people “I’m retired” has no distinction. Roughly 98% of the other people who say that never built an organization. They didn’t take the same risks. Others didn’t deal with the same broad variety of issues and challenges. Most didn’t have to personally live with the impact of every daily decision they made, or watch others suffer the consequences of their bad calls. That is why so many former owners suffer from a lack of identity after they leave. Subconsciously, they expect to stand out from the other 98%. “I’m retired” carries no such distinction.       This article was originally published by John F. Dini, CBEC, CExP, CEPA on


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