
I wrote earlier about the value a closed loop employee suggestion program can provide. These do provide significant benefits, but there is no need to limit continuous improvement suggestions to those inside the company. Customer and supplier surveys can provide great insights into such opportunities while also enabling the company to collaborate better with key partners. However, like employee initiatives, if they are not managed well, they can leave you worse off than if you never asked your suppliers and customers for their help. Designing the survey is important – this is not the time to ask leading questions or pressure the recipients to provide high numerical scores because somebody’s annual performance review or bonus depends on it. If you want to obtain honest answers, understand what the customer or supplier values, and receive useful responses on what is working well and what is not, objective survey questions are needed. It is great to ask about their level of satisfaction with relationship-specific functions. For a customer survey, this could include asking about responsiveness, on-time delivery, quality, etc. For suppliers, this may involve questions about purchase order and other documentation accuracy, on-time payment and more. You may also wish to ask some higher-level questions, such as: What is one thing that we are doing that we should keep doing the same way? What is one thing that we are doing that we should improve? What is one thing that we are not doing that we should do? What is one thing that we are doing that we should not do at all? The quickest way to turn this into a negative experience is to ask customers (especially) and suppliers to spend time completing these surveys and then nothing is done with the results. They will have an expectation that their time and opinions are being valued. Failure to respond will create frustration – I have seen this firsthand. Similar to the best practice for employee suggestion programs, before you send out surveys to customers or suppliers, it is critical to commit the resources to: reading, evaluating, and consolidating the responses developing and executing improvement initiatives based on those comments promptly responding to the survey respondents on what actions are being taken based on their survey participation   Depending on the actual responses, it may be necessary to also diplomatically explain why certain requests are not being acted on – we can easily imagine a customer utilizing the survey answers to ask for unrealistic price decreases or other concessions. Surveys can be periodic (quarterly or annual) independent events or incorporated into Quarterly Business Reviews or other meetings. Some suppliers may be unfamiliar or uncomfortable with customers requesting their honest feedback. Their past experience with other customers (and even with your own company) may be limited to customers telling them what to do better and never asking for their insights. They may be afraid that if they provide honest continuous improvement feedback it will not be well-received and may even be held against them. It may take assurances and several iterations before they trust the process. It is essential that your company receive these suggestions as they would acknowledge ideas from the customer, demonstrate that they appreciate them, and act on them as appropriate. Once that level of trust is established, suppliers can be key partners in improving how you enable them to support you. I have had to work with suppliers to help them get comfortable with what to them was a novel request so don’t accept the response that everything your company is doing is great. I recall one occasion when I was responsible for combining the best New Product Introduction processes between two different divisions of the same firm. Aside from taking the time to understand each group’s steps, I found it valuable to ask the shared external manufacturing partner for their input on which of those differing steps best assist their ability to support our needs. Of course, showing where their advice was used to implement new standard processes or explaining why certain suggestions were not utilized was important to this closed-loop process. Your key customers and suppliers can be some of your strongest allies in your quest for continuous improvement. A robust closed-loop survey process can be an effective tool in this effort while simultaneously creating a stronger, more collaborative relationship with those external partners most critical to your company’s success. Steven Lustig is founder and CEO of Lustig Global Consulting and an experienced Supply Chain Executive.  He is a recognized thought leader in supply chain, manufacturing, and risk mitigation, and serves on the Boards of Directors for Loh Medical and Atlanta Technology Angels.  

What is the role of a company’s board directors?  There are many possible, and valid, answers to this question. Guidance, oversight, succession planning, and executive compensation often are mentioned, and rightly so. But at the Private Company Governance Summit 2024, speaker Jon Wells of Midmark Corporation shared a different answer: to be a ‘professional question asker’ There is a quote often attributed (properly or not) to Albert Einstein: “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.”  It is tempting to jump into solving the problem, especially in our fast-paced world. But you do not want to solve the wrong problem! Asking the right questions can help the board director, his or her fellow directors, and company executives think about the issue, sometimes in a different way. This is not about questions to find fault or trip someone up, but questions to help everyone understand. With this in mind, the team is now better prepared and ready to start thinking about how to answer those questions and solve those problems. Asking the right questions helps all involved consider alternatives and different perspectives, such as those of customers, suppliers, investors, employees, and other stakeholders. “What” questions are a good start to understand the situation or the proposal, but eventually it is time to move on to “why” and “what if”. “Why” did something positive occur – was it a repeatable process, chance, market conditions, or something else? What can we learn to take into the future and build on that success? In the case of a negative situation, was it preventable and how can that be used to reduce the chances of similar occurrences in the future? We get better by taking the time to understand the good and the bad. For a strategy review, budget review, or other proposal, there are a lot of great “why” questions to ask about assumptions used.  As appropriate, think about the “5  Whys” approach developed by Toyota, intended to create an understanding of the root cause(s) of the situation before looking at solutions and lessons to learn. “What if” scenarios are great for bringing risk into the discussion. Risk was a key topic at the Private Company Governance Summit 2024. Board Directors may have various perspectives, experiences, and expertise which enable them to consider different threats, opportunities, and future states. These can help all involved more thoroughly consider and address potential risks to the status quo and proposals. This line of questions can be extended to include ones about what the long-term impacts are of proposals and decisions. I recall a recent dinner with three start-up co-founders who wanted to meet to ask for advice. We had a great discussion and a nice meal, but I am not sure I provided them many suggestions. Instead, I posed a number of questions, which they said were important for them to consider as they continue their efforts. I asked “why” questions such as “why would someone use your product instead of the competition?” and “why would someone pay you for this service?” I think (and hope!) these provided them a path to better address opportunities and risks. Of course, board directors provide value beyond just asking questions. With a better understanding of the issue or proposal, they are now better positioned to also share their knowledge and experience, allowing them to contribute toward answering those questions.

As a long-time business consultant and value growth advisor to middle-market companies, I frequently met business owners who didn’t recognize the urgency to plan for an eventual business ownership transition.  Such business owners commonly find themselves catastrophically unprepared when the time comes to sell their business, costing them millions of dollars in lost value.  I truly believe business owners are the heroes of our American economy, and they deserve to be fully rewarded for their many years of blood, sweat and tears building a business, employing our friends and neighbors, and supporting their local communities. I got to know the Exit Planning Exchange back in 2019 from a colleague who founded XPX Atlanta.  I was very impressed how XPX members would educate each other about ways their clients could prepare for a better exit outcome.  I saw how they would develop trusting relationships with other XPX members, combining their unique talents and expertise as a team to help a business owner meet or exceed their exit goals, leaving with a sense of fulfillment and the financial resources to enjoy the next phase of their life. I knew we had nothing like XPX in North Carolina, and our local business owner community would benefit greatly if we did.  I was inspired to lead a small group of talented and committed business professionals to launch XPX Charlotte as a NC non-profit organization in 2021. Today, I’m proud that XPX Charlotte has become the area’s premier organization for business professionals with a passion for knowledge sharing and a commitment to help improve exit outcomes for business owners in the Charlotte region.  If you share that passion and commitment, I hope you’ll join us! Tom Bixby XPX Charlotte Founder, Past-President CEO, EvaluSys LLC

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. George Bernard Shaw, a famous Irish playwright is credited with this quote which so aptly captures the issue. Communication is the most common organizational challenge cited by clients, whether as part of a team or as individual leaders. Why is that? Let’s start by understanding what communication means. The Latin base of the word is communicare, which means to share. To share something, you must hold or know it, and recognize that sharing will benefit you and the other party.  It then needs to be presented in a way that others will want to partake or engage. If the other party is not interested or does not know why they should be, the message will fall on deaf ears. This gives us three distinct components necessary for the start of effective communication.

Join us on Wednesday, May 11 from 10-10:45am for the next edition of our virtual and free Scaling Skills Speaker Series, “I’m Already Good at Conflict Resolution Damnit!! Our presenter is Terry “Doc” Dockery, Ph.D., and his experience has been that: a) constructive conflict resolution is essential to business success, and b) most folks think they’re better at it than they really are. Feel free to invite others, and we look forward to seeing you soon! Zoom link:


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As an advisor, your role is to help clients prepare to exit their business, yet many people resist thinking about the future because it involves so many unknowns, decisions, and choices.  And emotions typically complicate matters further, sometimes derailing the process altogether.  Here are some questions that can help you establish rapport with your clients, learn more about their concerns, and move the conversation forward. How are you feeling about your work/profession/business these days? Which aspects of work are you still enjoying, and which are you ready to leave behind? Do you envision retiring from work at some point, or are you contemplating an encore career? What part of planning for your future feels most challenging? How do you imagine your life in retirement will be different from how it is now? What process are you using to figure out what you’ll do next after you retire? What would you like to see happen with your business long term? What options have you considered for the transfer of your business? What steps have you taken to make your business more attractive to a potential buyer? What are your concerns about transitioning your firm to new ownership? What would be your ideal scenario for transitioning out of your company? What topic(s) have we touched on today that we should put on our agenda to revisit? So, what happens after you pose a few of these questions and your clients open up about emotional matters?  Remember, the most helpful thing you can do is to listen attentively.  You’ve created a valuable opportunity for them to talk about things they may not share with other advisors.   Here are some tips for managing the conversation when clients raise emotionally loaded topics: Don’t try to “fix things” by immediately offering suggestions. Doing so sends the message that you’re uncomfortable hearing their concern.  You can offer suggestions but do so later. Don’t say anything that conveys the message that their feeling or concern is unwarranted. “There’s really no need to feel that way” or “I’m sure it will be just fine” may sound reassuring to you but could be experienced as dismissive by your client. Don’t immediately offer a logical counterpoint to your client’s emotion. Remember, feelings don’t have to make sense; they’re “as is”.  Put another way, if feelings made sense, they would be thoughts. People report concerns and characterize their feelings differently from one another, so it’s in your best interest to seek amplification and clarification by inquiring as follows . . . “I want to make sure that I understand exactly what you mean by ___.  Can you tell me more?” “People sometimes mean slightly different things when they talk about ___.  What does ___ mean for you?” “Before I suggest anything, I’d like to learn more about it from your perspective.” It’s possible that during early conversations your client may hint at mixed feelings about exiting their business.  That’s perfectly normal, but you need to bring it out into the open.  You want to foster an atmosphere such that your client keeps you apprised about where they’re at.  If they keep their ambivalence to themselves, it has greater potential to blindside you and complicate the sale.  You can say: “In my experience, it’s normal to have some mixed emotions about selling.  Those thoughts may not always be top of mind, but when they do pop up let’s be sure to talk about them.  Believe it or not, they can help inform our process and alert us to aspects of the sale that are important to you.” You may also find that your client is overly risk averse.  If so, consider saying the following: “Our work together won’t be comprehensive if we only plan for what could go wrong.  That’s just half the equation.  It’s fine to be conservative and err on the side of caution, but to be truly realistic we should also consider a range of possibilities both good and bad.”   Author’s Note:  The concepts in this article are derived from Robert Leahy’s book, Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive Therapy.  New York:  Guilford

For five decades, the southern United States has been an attractive location for automakers to open plants thanks to generous tax breaks and cheaper, non-union labor. However, after decades of failing to unionize automakers in the South, the United Auto Workers dealt a serious blow to that model by winning a landslide union victory at Volkswagen. In an effort to fight back, three southern states have gotten creative: they passed laws barring companies from receiving state grants, loans and tax incentives if the company voluntarily recognizes a union or voluntarily provides unions with employee information. The laws also allow the government to claw back incentive payments after they were made. While these laws are very similar, each law has unique nuances. If you are in an impacted state, you should seek local counsel. In 2023, Tennessee was the first state to pass such a law. This year, Georgia and Alabama followed suit. So why this push? In 2023, the American Legislative Exchange Council (“ALEC”), a nonprofit organization of conservative state legislators and private sector representatives who draft and share model legislation for distribution among state governments, adopted Tennessee’s law as model legislation. In fact, the primary sponsor of Tennessee’s bill was recognized as an ALEC Policy Champion in March 2023. ALEC’s push comes as voluntary recognition of unions gains popularity as an alternative to fighting unions. We recently saw this with the high-profile Ben & Jerry’s voluntary recognition. Will this Southern strategy work to push back against growing union successes? Time will tell. Brody and Associates regularly advises its clients on all labor management issues, including union-related matters, and provides union-free training.  If we can be of assistance in this area, please contact us at or 203.454.0560.  

I once had the thrill of interviewing Jerry West on management. He was “The Logo” for the NBA, although back then they didn’t advertise him as such. Only the Laker followers knew for sure. In 1989 the “Showtime” Lakers were coming off back-to-back championships.  Pat Riley was a year away from his first of three Coach of the Year awards. 

Can you Offer Too Many SKUs to Your Customers? The short answer is YES! A SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, defines each different product version that you sell and keep inventory of.  There may be different SKUs of the same overall item based on size, color, capacity (think computer or cellphone memory), features, and many other parameters.  For build to forecast businesses, that number of variations can quickly explode and become difficult to manage. Your customers are busy and want ordering simplified. Of course, they may need (or want) more than one variation of a product. That is reasonable and a common aspect of business – one size does not fit all! But there is a point where too offering too many SKUs is not value added either for your customer or your business.  In his April 30, 2013 article “Successful Retailers Learn That Fewer Choices Trigger More Sales” in Forbes, Carmine Gallo discusses his experience and a study about “choice overload” by other authors. He writes about a retailer that “has discovered that giving a customer more than three choices at one time actually overwhelms customers and makes them frustrated…when the customer is faced with too many choices at once, it leaves the customer confused and less likely to buy from any of the choices!” Choice overload is well-documented in consumer studies but can apply in B2B as well. While customer satisfaction is important, another key concern is the often-hidden costs associated with a business offering and managing a large number of SKUs for a given product type. These costs include holding inventory, S&OP (Sales and Operations Planning) team time, small production runs, and scrapping inventory. Holding inventory takes up space, which may come with a cost or utilize racks that could be used for other products. Scheduled inventory counts take up employee time and may result in blackout periods when the warehouse is not shipping product.  The more SKUs there are, including extra SKUS, the greater the potential impact. The Sales team’s forecasting and the Operations team’s purchasing reviews that are part of the S&OP process can occupy more of their valuable time if they need to consider these times. If small orders or forecasts require a new production run, this could be costly and create excess inventory. Whether from this new production or past builds, eventually it will make sense to write off and scrap old inventory, another cost impact to the company. How do you know which SKUs to focus on if you wish to look at reducing your total number of SKUs? Start by examining SKUs that have: Low historic sales over a period of time Small variations between SKUs that customers do not value Older technology or model when newer option SKUs are available This requires a true partnership between Sales and Operations. It starts with educating both teams on the costs involved – neither group may be aware of the money and time impact to the company. Periodic (such as quarterly) reviews of SKUs that meet the above descriptions should become a fixed part of the calendar. A review of the data and other available for sale options should result in the identification of SKUs which may not be needed. At that point, it is helpful to have a customer friendly EOL (End of Life) Notice process by which you inform customers of last time buy requirements for this SKU and alternates available. It is usually best to provide some time for the last time buy in the interest of customer satisfaction, although that may not always be necessary. At a company that designed and sold electronics, a robust SKU rationalization process was implemented to help address these issues. A representative from the Operations team analyzed SKUs that met a version of the above criteria and suggested candidates for the EOL process. Next, a member of the Sales team reviewed them and, where appropriate, issued product change or EOL notices to customers, providing them time for last time buy orders when needed. These steps helped reduce the work involved in maintaining these SKUs while not leading to any customer complaints. A final note – sometimes it makes sense to continue offering low selling SKUs – to support customers buying other items (hopefully in larger quantities). It may be worthwhile to encourage them to keep coming back to you for all of their product needs and this may be a way to accomplish that. But it helps to understand that this is truly the case and not assume that this customer would not be equally happy with another, more popular, SKU.   Steven Lustig is founder and CEO of Lustig Global Consulting and an experienced Supply Chain Executive.  He is a recognized thought leader in supply chain and risk mitigation, and serves on the Boards of Directors for Loh Medical and Atlanta Technology Angels.

When it comes to careers, business owners are a minority of the population. In conversations this week, I mentioned the statistics several times, and each owner I was discussing it with was surprised that they had so few peers. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), there are over 33,000,000 businesses in the US. Let’s discount those with zero employees. Many are shell companies or real estate holding entities. Also, those with fewer than 5 employees, true “Mom and Pop” businesses, are hard to distinguish from a job. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Association, lists businesses with 5 to 99 employees at about 3,300,000, and 123,000 have 100 to 500 employees (the SBA’s largest “small business” classification.) Overall, that means about 1% of the country are private employers. Owners are a small minority, a very small minority, of the population. Even if we only count working adults (161,000,000) business owners represent only a little more than 2% of that population. So What? Where am I going with this, and how does it relate to our recent discussions of purpose in business exit planning? It’s an important issue to consider when discussing an owner’s identity after transition. Whether or not individual owners know the statistics of their “rare species” status in society, they instinctively understand that they are different. They are identified with their owner status in every aspect of their business and personal life. At a social event, when asked “What do you do?” they will often respond “I own a business.” It’s an immediate differentiator from describing a job. “I am a carpenter.” or “I work in systems engineering,” describes a function. “I am a business owner” describes a life role. When asked for further information, the owner frequently replies in the Imperial first person plural. “We build multi-family housing,” is never mistaken for a personal role in the company. No one takes that answer to mean that the speaker swings a hammer all day. Owners are a Minority We process much of our information subconsciously. If a man enters a business gathering, for example, and the others in the room are 75% female, he will know instinctively, without consciously counting, that this business meeting or organization is different from others he attends. Similarly, business owners accept their minority status without thinking about it. They expect that the vast majority of the people they meet socially, who attend their church, or who have kids that play sports with theirs, work for someone else. There are places where owners congregate, but otherwise, they don’t expect to meet many other owners in the normal course of daily activity. This can be an issue after they exit the business. You see, telling people “I’m retired” has no distinction. Roughly 98% of the other people who say that never built an organization. They didn’t take the same risks. Others didn’t deal with the same broad variety of issues and challenges. Most didn’t have to personally live with the impact of every daily decision they made, or watch others suffer the consequences of their bad calls. That is why so many former owners suffer from a lack of identity after they leave. Subconsciously, they expect to stand out from the other 98%. “I’m retired” carries no such distinction.       This article was originally published by John F. Dini, CBEC, CExP, CEPA on


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