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MBBP Partner Carl Barnes was recently quoted in a Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly article written by Patrick Murphy, entitled “Survivor of Merger Controls Attorney-Client Privilege.” The article discusses Novack v. Raytheon, a recent Massachusetts Superior Court decision holding that, under Delaware law and the terms of a merger agreement, control of the attorney-client privilege relating to pre-merger communications between BBN Technologies Holding…

It’s MBBP’s first issue of 2015 and we’re providing plenty of news to start the year off right! Open the PDF. This newsletter is packed with articles, such as: ◾TAX: Treasury Announces New Restrictions on Inversions – Robert Finkel ◾IP: Scrutinizing Biotechnology & Software Patent Eligibility in M&A Deal Valuations – David Fazzolare ◾TECHNOLOGY: Open Source Issues in…

If Google, a publicly-traded company with about $40 billion in annual revenue, can’t figure out if someone is an independent contractor or an employee, what does this mean for you? An article from Reuters last week, notes that Google is being sued by a former contractor, Jacob McPherson, alleging violation of federal labor standards, and that the…

The Monthly Book Report brought to you by Murphy Business Last month, the honey pot in this here space was stirred with commentary about Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg’s controversial book about women in the workplace. And this month, we stay in tech mogul land by discussing Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, CEO of the billion-dollar grossing The author has made…

Best Practices in Investment Advisory Partnerships Ensuring the Success of Mergers, Successions and Start-Ups  By: Lisette Smith and Tanya Rapacz, CFP® The Partnership Resource Executive Summary Why Partnerships Matter to Investment Advisors In the independent investment advisory community you can’t open a publication without seeing an article or blog post focusing on mergers and acquisitions….

You could meet Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson at a dinner party and detest them both. “Man, these guys are know-it-alls,” you might declare. They have a “do this, not that” manner that won’t set well with those who prefer feedback served up as a warm bowlful of coddling. But guess what?  Continue reading…. Originally…

Start building value today. Consider a benchmark assessment that will give you a baseline and leads you towards transformation initiatives. We call them EBITDA (earnings before tax, depreciation, and amortization) Transformations or Operational Profitability.  In a relatively short time you can improve both top and bottom line for your business. Take care of your risks…

My measure for how interesting a client’s product or service offering is comes from my wife’s reaction to hearing about it. If after listening to my description Megan asks incredulously, “That’s a thing?” I know we’re talking about something truly niche and unusual. Think back to Mary Tyler Moore’s eponymous 1970’s television show when her…

You maximize the collaborative potential of a team by maintaining an environment that supports creative energy. And you do that by optimizing the natural relationship between energy and ideas.  Consider, for example, professional sports teams such as those in the National Football League. Players at that level all have amazing skill and experience levels and…

If you came of age in the 1970’s, you likely learned the phrase caveat emptor – Latin for “buyer beware” – from one curly-topped architect named Mike Brady.  You remember that “Brady Bunch” episode, right?  Mr. Brady, never one to miss a thigh-high fastball teachable moment, cautions eldest son Greg to not hastily buy a…

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