Developing Predictable Revenue


Program produced by XPX Charlotte.

This is the 4th of 5 programs focusing on strategies to improve the value of business enterprises prior to a planned exit, and the 8th in our case study series.

Business value is predicated largely on expectations for future cash flow, and predictable revenue is a major contributor to reliable cash flow.

This program will feature a panel of experts in marketing, sales and other areas to discuss the importance of focusing on developing predictable revenue rather than simple total revenue results.

Our Panelists:

Yvonne Levine
B2B Marketing Consultant
YGL Enterprises

Doug Havas
Outsourced Sales VP and Sales Consultant
Sales Xceleration®

Tom Wilson, Jr.
Managing Partner, M&A Advisor
DecisionPoint Advisors


Jeff Wolfberg
President, Principal
CEO Focus of the Carolinas LLC

Updated: 11:27 am

About the author
Cheryl Centeno of XPX Global is a member of XPX

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