Financial planning

The sale of a business marks a major life event. It’s emotional, stressful, and exciting all at the same time. And unfortunately, it’s often a lot of work. Most business owners will only experience the process of selling a business once in their life. This is both good and bad news. On the bright side, you only need to get through it once. But many business owners aren’t ready for the process and risk leaving money on the table as a result. With many sellers relying on the sale to fund their retirement and lifelong financial goals, getting it right from the start is critical. Here are tips from sell-side business advisors on what to do (and not do) when selling a business. What to do (and not do) when selling a business Start thinking about selling your business early — really early One of the top mistakes sellers make when selling their business is not starting the process early enough. There are many reasons starting last minute can really hurt your bottom line. It’s not uncommon for business owners to assume they’ll never retire at some point during their life. But as often happens, life changes. Perhaps health concerns for you or a spouse make continuing to run your business difficult. Or maybe you eventually lose the excitement when getting up every day and want a change of pace. Sudden sales or immediate retirements Unfortunately, when business owners want to sell with a tight timeline (or fire sale), they may have fewer options to exit. It’s not uncommon for some buyers to want the owner and/or members of the management team to stay on for a period to help with the transition. If there’s an earn-out, it’ll usually require the seller to stick with the company for different milestones (time, financial, or otherwise) to earn the full purchase price. Earn-outs aren’t ideal for sellers, but if you’re unwilling or unable to consider deals with any continuation component, it could impact the sale price, timeline to find a buyer, or both. Make your business more sellable later by getting advice now Business brokers often recommend getting a valuation done years before expecting to sell the company. Sarah Grossman, Principal of BayState Business Brokers in Needham, MA, says this helps sellers “shape their timeline and any financial planning that needs to be completed prior to a sale.” Understanding the fair market value of the company is critical to setting expectations for the seller, but understanding the drivers of the valuation can help increase the sale price over time. Grossman says, “a [business] broker can advise them on things they can do in their business over the next few years to make it more saleable when it does go on the market.” How to maximize your cash at closing Aaron Naisbitt, Managing Director at Dunn Rush & Co, an investment bank focused on sell-side M&A in Boston, MA, emphasizes the importance of going to market and knowing what your business is worth. He says, “the biggest mistake many businesses owners make is not running a competitive process when the business is capable of attracting interest from a broad number of buyers. This mistake most often occurs when the owner has already made the second biggest mistake – not taking the time to educate themselves and prepare adequately for the process.” Not every business will be able to run a competitive process. But those that can, and don’t, “Will leave money and terms on the table if they do not do so” he adds. Getting professional help is key here as trying to negotiate a sale directly with a buyer might be short-sighted. Grossman says it’s not uncommon for sellers to be approached directly by competitors. She cautions sellers considering working with buyers directly as “They could be leaving significant money on the table without a clear understanding of the valuation of their company. Sellers also need to work with a broker and their advisors to understand a typical deal structure so that they can maximize their cash at closing.” The importance of understanding the terms of the deal cannot be overstated. This is where money is made or lost. Naisbitt cautions that sometimes terms can sound really good, but aren’t always common sense. He adds that without an advisor, sellers “Don’t know where to argue.” During negotiations, you have to consider “What is it that’s important to you and what are you willing to give up” he says. Exit planning is not time to DIY — assemble your team of advisors When selling a company, gathering your team of advisors early on is key to getting a successful outcome. Again, odds are you haven’t sold a business before and probably won’t again. We don’t know what we don’t know…and you only have one shot to get this right. Your team of business and personal advisors will be instrumental in getting the deal over the finish line. Your business advisory team may consist of: a business broker or M&A advisor, accounting and tax advisors, and transaction/M&A attorney. On the personal side, your sudden wealth advisor who focuses on helping individuals experiencing a transformative liquidity event. Be sure to involve your wealth advisor in discussions around deal terms too. For example, when considering deal structure, it’s important to ensure alignment with your objectives or financial needs. What are your income needs after the sale or do you have plans for a big purchase? Your advisor can help determine how much cash you need at closing and whether to consider the pros and cons of arrangements like an installment sale. And at closing, a financial advisor can help you determine Section 1202, realizing the gain over time with an installment sale, asset versus stock purchase, or state tax implications such as the charitable goals, legacy objectives for heirs, or estate tax planning strategies. Brokers explain what sellers are most unprepared for during the process Selling a business is a lot of work. In addition to running the company in the usual course of business, sellers also need to comply with a host of due diligence requests from the buyer’s team and the lender financing the transaction. The magnitude of this process is by far the most 

For more information on the benefits of this IRC Section 453 solution, give this podcast a listen.  While the topic of this episode dealt with the sale of land, the solution is also available to individuals selling their business, allowing them the unique opportunity to defer immediate tax obligations and maximize the sale through personally designed future annuity payments.

Tax deferral options on the sale of business or property is always an important consideration.  Structured Installment Sales allow the Seller the opportunity to defer immediate tax obligation by placing any portion of their sale into an IRC Section 453 Structured Installment Sale.  The opportunity to spread tax liabilities and maximize financial returns is remarkable with this product. Visit our website today for more information and give us a call to learn how we can assist you and your clients to amplify their sale and secure their financial future. Twitter: @SIS_JCR Chad Ettmueller / Senior Vice President / 770-886-7400 /

Structured Installment Sales offer a fantastic solution to the tax issues surrounding the sale of business or property.  Approved by the IRS, a Section 453 Structured Installment Sale allows individuals to defer taxes, maximize the sale and secure their financial futures. Take a look at our brochure and visit our website for more information.  We look forward to helping you where and when appropriate.

Defer Taxes, Maximize the Sale, Secure the Financial Future…. Chad Ettmueller – JCR Settlements, LLC. What if you could offer your clients a way to sell their business, property or other appreciated asset and avoid immediate tax obligations while growing the net proceeds in an attractive, tax-deferred manner with future payments they design unique to their needs? If it seems too good to be true, you need to explore Structured Installment Sales (SIS).  Following approved IRS guidelines under IRC Section 453, Structured Installment Sales allow an individual the unique opportunity to defer their immediate tax obligation by placing a portion of their net proceeds into an annuity product with highly rated life insurance carriers. In so doing the Seller avoids constructive receipt of the funds and the IRS cannot tax them on that portion of the sale. Sellers can design a future payment schedule that meets their unique needs, realizing significant income growth through the investment (as high as 10% depending on the design), paying a deferred tax obligation in the future year(s) when annuity payment is received. The Seller will pay both a pro-rated Capital Gains tax (at the cap-gains rate in the year payment is received) and a pro-rated Ordinary Income tax on the interest earned. Traditional Installment Sales transact between the Buyer and the Seller and are wrought with risk, as the Seller is dependent on the creditworthiness of the Buyer and is hoping they will successfully make the future payments. A SIS changes everything, placing the creditworthiness of the life insurance company at the forefront of the transaction and allowing both parties to move forward without future risk. Moreover, as a result of the investment growth associated with the annuity, the Seller can quite often entertain offers that are lower than they have targeted, knowing the investment yield will more than make up for the difference. Combine that growth with the immediate tax savings on the portion placed into the annuity and the Structured Installment Sale offers a serious solution to many sales transactions. In fact, more and more savvy Buyers are making offers wherein they incorporate a SIS as part of their offer. As a result, they are able to offer the Seller (ultimately) more than asking price while securing the property or business at a discounted price, providing them more immediate operating capital to make necessary enhancements to the property or business. If all of this is not exciting enough, there are other highlights to the Structured Installment Sale: – Seller can defer first payment up to 40 years. – No investment minimums or maximums. – Include future payment schedules to match future needs, including monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments and    lump sums on identified future dates. – Index linked, market-based growth, with a guaranteed floor payment and uncapped growth based on market performance. – For use in the sale of businesses, real estate or appreciated asset collections (art collections, vintage vehicles, wine, etc.) – Backed by highly rated life insurance markets. SHOW ME THE MONEY Please take a look at the attached illustration for a real life example of how the product works and the type of income such a solution can produce.  The highlighted area on page 3 will show the projected yields.  Pages 5-6 will show the projected monthly income. As a quick example, a 51-year-old Seller in Florida sold his business for $25M. He placed $10M of the purchase into a Structured Installment Sale, saving approximately $1M in immediate tax obligations.  He deferred first payment 14 years, to his age 65, taking monthly payments for twenty (20) years thereafter. Based on the projected growth of the Indexed linked annuity, and back testing, all the way back to 2006, the Seller is projected to earn between $50.5 and $157M, with a projected median growth of $85.5M. These are jaw dropping numbers to say the least and illustrate the power of the product. KEY CONSIDERATIONS To comport with IRS guidelines, the payment schedule for any SIS must be incorporated into the Sales Agreement as an addendum to the sale. All parties must sign an assignment document, acknowledging the fact that all future payments are forthcoming from the life company, and not the Buyer. Payment for the annuity must go directly from the Buyer to the Life Insurance Company with whom the SIS is placed to avoid constructive receipt by the Seller. If funds are deposited into the Seller’s account, this will trigger constructive receipt in the eyes of the IRS and an immediate tax obligation will be required and a structured installment sale cannot take place. Depreciation Recapture cannot be placed into a SIS. All depreciation recapture must be recorded and appropriate taxes paid in the year of sale. Deposits of more than $5M into the SIS will trigger an IRS Interest Penalty on an annual basis. This penalty is nominal and an annual lump sum equal to the penalty amount can be established, through the future payment schedule of the annuity, to pay this obligation. Structured Installment Sales offer a remarkable advantage to all parties involved in a given transaction and should be considered in nearly every sale. There are no associated costs to establish a structured installment sale now, or in the future. However, such a sale must be coordinated by a licensed and appointed annuity advisor. JCR Settlements enjoys serving as a Gold Sponsor of XPX and looks forward to assisting you and your clients, as appropriate. Please do not hesitate to call or email with any questions or to request an investment illustration. Chad Ettmueller Senior Vice President JCR Settlements, LLC 770-886-7400

These days, when we don’t know the answer to a question, we often quickly turn to the internet. When someone raises a question in a group, it’s not uncommon to hear, “Let’s Google it.” We’re launching a series of your most-Googled financial questions, answered. Up first: insurance and estate planning. Most people are familiar with these for your personal life, but when you own a business, there are several additional layers involved that are important to consider. Continue reading:

A client recently sold his business and was looking for options to address a large capital gain as a result of the sale. We presented a number of solutions with support from his other advisors. One of the options we are implementing includes an investment in a Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ). Opportunity Zones were born out of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. When structured properly, investing in a QOZ allows you to defer capital gains through 2026. In addition, if the holding period within the QOZ is 10+ years, any gain from the underlying investment is exempt from further taxation. For more details on Qualified Opportunity Zones, please read the attached alert from the Advanced Planning Group at UBS. QOZ-Advanced-Planning

Wallace Capital Funding, LLC’s Business Funding Analysis gives undercapitalized businesses a chance for success What’s one thing you like to do backwards? Maybe it’s putting your socks on first or eating dessert before dinner. Well, for one Wallace Capital Funding, LLC client, doing things backwards almost led their company to bankruptcy. An hour before their grand opening, the client risked both their retirement and savings by signing a lease for their dream coffee shop in Alabama. But after spending over $15,000 of their personal money on business plans and consultants outside of WCF, they did not get approved for financing. Where did they go wrong? Timing. The client was in such a rush to get approved for financing that they missed a few steps in order to expedite the process, which ended up hurting their wallet in the end. It was only after the fact that the client came to Wallace Capital Funding, LLC to find a way to get approved. Due to their prior rejection — this client had a stain on their financial record and to lenders, they looked desperate for cash. Even with the odds stacked against the client, Wallace Capital Funding, LLC met with the client and conducted our reputable Business Funding Analysis (BFA) to better understand the financial standing of the client’s finances. The BFA allowed us to ensure our client would get approved without the headache they went through before. The analysis also puts lenders at ease to know our in-depth credit memo will show the client’s ability to pay back their loan. And even with a blemish on their record, we were still able to get them approved. When it comes to your business, don’t do things backwards. You are better off getting the BFA to ensure your business loan gets approved! Work with Wallace Capital Funding, LLC and our Business Funding Analysis to ensure you are in the best position to get approved. Talk to one of Wallace’s Capital Funding LLC’s experts today to get the process started. You can also join WCF’s mailing list, which can be found on our website or give us a call at 1-800-809-5629 to learn more. For all of your business financing needs, Wallace Capital Funding, LLC can help. Whether you need funding for new equipment, financing commercial real estate, or to cover staff expenses before your contract payment comes through, Wallace Capital Funding, LLC can create a custom funding solution that’s right for you.

The foundation of our practice has always been centered around four guiding principles: access, advice, guidance and service. Today we are excited to announce our expanded team, SageView Partners. Our partnership will not only enhance our resources, but also enrich the experience we offer our clients every day. We are confident our new collaboration will help us serve you better than ever, with comprehensive advice tailored to helping you pursue the goals that matter most to you. We look forward to the opportunity for you to meet our new teammates and invite you to visit our website, where you can learn more about our team. Our team   Jeffrey L. Hogue, CFP®, CEPA® Senior Vice President–Wealth Management Wealth Advisor Portfolio Manager 352-745-7443 Team-Announcement-Gainesville-Tampa

For many of us, the holiday season brings the opportunity to share joy and presents with our families and friends. Gift giving, while fun and exciting, can also pose its challenges. Well-intended toys and games just add to the growing stockpile many children have, and there is always the difficulty of finding the “hot toy” of the season, if you don’t hit the stores early. This year, consider a contribution to a 529 college savings plan for a special child. Their parents, your tax bill, and, one day, the child, will thank you for it. Click

2021 Five Star Wealth Manager Program I credit 10 years of Five Star Wealth Manager Awards to my loyal clients and my dedicated business colleagues.  Your continued business and considerate referrals have allowed me to provide the highest quality financial planning experience and tend to the wealth and well-being of my clients. Would you like to learn more about the Five Star Wealth Manager Program?  Here’s the reprint!

Happy to announce that Imperial Advisory has been named Best Business Consultant by Long Island Business News! Thank you to everyone that voted for us. Proud to have been a part of this amazing achievement that was made possible by the great team of Fractional CFOs that we have. If you or anyone you know is looking for guidance with your company we would love to speak with you and hope you think of Imperial Advisory in the future!   See us and other winners here:


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As an advisor, your role is to help clients prepare to exit their business, yet many people resist thinking about the future because it involves so many unknowns, decisions, and choices.  And emotions typically complicate matters further, sometimes derailing the process altogether.  Here are some questions that can help you establish rapport with your clients, learn more about their concerns, and move the conversation forward. How are you feeling about your work/profession/business these days? Which aspects of work are you still enjoying, and which are you ready to leave behind? Do you envision retiring from work at some point, or are you contemplating an encore career? What part of planning for your future feels most challenging? How do you imagine your life in retirement will be different from how it is now? What process are you using to figure out what you’ll do next after you retire? What would you like to see happen with your business long term? What options have you considered for the transfer of your business? What steps have you taken to make your business more attractive to a potential buyer? What are your concerns about transitioning your firm to new ownership? What would be your ideal scenario for transitioning out of your company? What topic(s) have we touched on today that we should put on our agenda to revisit? So, what happens after you pose a few of these questions and your clients open up about emotional matters?  Remember, the most helpful thing you can do is to listen attentively.  You’ve created a valuable opportunity for them to talk about things they may not share with other advisors.   Here are some tips for managing the conversation when clients raise emotionally loaded topics: Don’t try to “fix things” by immediately offering suggestions. Doing so sends the message that you’re uncomfortable hearing their concern.  You can offer suggestions but do so later. Don’t say anything that conveys the message that their feeling or concern is unwarranted. “There’s really no need to feel that way” or “I’m sure it will be just fine” may sound reassuring to you but could be experienced as dismissive by your client. Don’t immediately offer a logical counterpoint to your client’s emotion. Remember, feelings don’t have to make sense; they’re “as is”.  Put another way, if feelings made sense, they would be thoughts. People report concerns and characterize their feelings differently from one another, so it’s in your best interest to seek amplification and clarification by inquiring as follows . . . “I want to make sure that I understand exactly what you mean by ___.  Can you tell me more?” “People sometimes mean slightly different things when they talk about ___.  What does ___ mean for you?” “Before I suggest anything, I’d like to learn more about it from your perspective.” It’s possible that during early conversations your client may hint at mixed feelings about exiting their business.  That’s perfectly normal, but you need to bring it out into the open.  You want to foster an atmosphere such that your client keeps you apprised about where they’re at.  If they keep their ambivalence to themselves, it has greater potential to blindside you and complicate the sale.  You can say: “In my experience, it’s normal to have some mixed emotions about selling.  Those thoughts may not always be top of mind, but when they do pop up let’s be sure to talk about them.  Believe it or not, they can help inform our process and alert us to aspects of the sale that are important to you.” You may also find that your client is overly risk averse.  If so, consider saying the following: “Our work together won’t be comprehensive if we only plan for what could go wrong.  That’s just half the equation.  It’s fine to be conservative and err on the side of caution, but to be truly realistic we should also consider a range of possibilities both good and bad.”   Author’s Note:  The concepts in this article are derived from Robert Leahy’s book, Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive Therapy.  New York:  Guilford

For five decades, the southern United States has been an attractive location for automakers to open plants thanks to generous tax breaks and cheaper, non-union labor. However, after decades of failing to unionize automakers in the South, the United Auto Workers dealt a serious blow to that model by winning a landslide union victory at Volkswagen. In an effort to fight back, three southern states have gotten creative: they passed laws barring companies from receiving state grants, loans and tax incentives if the company voluntarily recognizes a union or voluntarily provides unions with employee information. The laws also allow the government to claw back incentive payments after they were made. While these laws are very similar, each law has unique nuances. If you are in an impacted state, you should seek local counsel. In 2023, Tennessee was the first state to pass such a law. This year, Georgia and Alabama followed suit. So why this push? In 2023, the American Legislative Exchange Council (“ALEC”), a nonprofit organization of conservative state legislators and private sector representatives who draft and share model legislation for distribution among state governments, adopted Tennessee’s law as model legislation. In fact, the primary sponsor of Tennessee’s bill was recognized as an ALEC Policy Champion in March 2023. ALEC’s push comes as voluntary recognition of unions gains popularity as an alternative to fighting unions. We recently saw this with the high-profile Ben & Jerry’s voluntary recognition. Will this Southern strategy work to push back against growing union successes? Time will tell. Brody and Associates regularly advises its clients on all labor management issues, including union-related matters, and provides union-free training.  If we can be of assistance in this area, please contact us at or 203.454.0560.  

I once had the thrill of interviewing Jerry West on management. He was “The Logo” for the NBA, although back then they didn’t advertise him as such. Only the Laker followers knew for sure. In 1989 the “Showtime” Lakers were coming off back-to-back championships.  Pat Riley was a year away from his first of three Coach of the Year awards. 

Can you Offer Too Many SKUs to Your Customers? The short answer is YES! A SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, defines each different product version that you sell and keep inventory of.  There may be different SKUs of the same overall item based on size, color, capacity (think computer or cellphone memory), features, and many other parameters.  For build to forecast businesses, that number of variations can quickly explode and become difficult to manage. Your customers are busy and want ordering simplified. Of course, they may need (or want) more than one variation of a product. That is reasonable and a common aspect of business – one size does not fit all! But there is a point where too offering too many SKUs is not value added either for your customer or your business.  In his April 30, 2013 article “Successful Retailers Learn That Fewer Choices Trigger More Sales” in Forbes, Carmine Gallo discusses his experience and a study about “choice overload” by other authors. He writes about a retailer that “has discovered that giving a customer more than three choices at one time actually overwhelms customers and makes them frustrated…when the customer is faced with too many choices at once, it leaves the customer confused and less likely to buy from any of the choices!” Choice overload is well-documented in consumer studies but can apply in B2B as well. While customer satisfaction is important, another key concern is the often-hidden costs associated with a business offering and managing a large number of SKUs for a given product type. These costs include holding inventory, S&OP (Sales and Operations Planning) team time, small production runs, and scrapping inventory. Holding inventory takes up space, which may come with a cost or utilize racks that could be used for other products. Scheduled inventory counts take up employee time and may result in blackout periods when the warehouse is not shipping product.  The more SKUs there are, including extra SKUS, the greater the potential impact. The Sales team’s forecasting and the Operations team’s purchasing reviews that are part of the S&OP process can occupy more of their valuable time if they need to consider these times. If small orders or forecasts require a new production run, this could be costly and create excess inventory. Whether from this new production or past builds, eventually it will make sense to write off and scrap old inventory, another cost impact to the company. How do you know which SKUs to focus on if you wish to look at reducing your total number of SKUs? Start by examining SKUs that have: Low historic sales over a period of time Small variations between SKUs that customers do not value Older technology or model when newer option SKUs are available This requires a true partnership between Sales and Operations. It starts with educating both teams on the costs involved – neither group may be aware of the money and time impact to the company. Periodic (such as quarterly) reviews of SKUs that meet the above descriptions should become a fixed part of the calendar. A review of the data and other available for sale options should result in the identification of SKUs which may not be needed. At that point, it is helpful to have a customer friendly EOL (End of Life) Notice process by which you inform customers of last time buy requirements for this SKU and alternates available. It is usually best to provide some time for the last time buy in the interest of customer satisfaction, although that may not always be necessary. At a company that designed and sold electronics, a robust SKU rationalization process was implemented to help address these issues. A representative from the Operations team analyzed SKUs that met a version of the above criteria and suggested candidates for the EOL process. Next, a member of the Sales team reviewed them and, where appropriate, issued product change or EOL notices to customers, providing them time for last time buy orders when needed. These steps helped reduce the work involved in maintaining these SKUs while not leading to any customer complaints. A final note – sometimes it makes sense to continue offering low selling SKUs – to support customers buying other items (hopefully in larger quantities). It may be worthwhile to encourage them to keep coming back to you for all of their product needs and this may be a way to accomplish that. But it helps to understand that this is truly the case and not assume that this customer would not be equally happy with another, more popular, SKU.   Steven Lustig is founder and CEO of Lustig Global Consulting and an experienced Supply Chain Executive.  He is a recognized thought leader in supply chain and risk mitigation, and serves on the Boards of Directors for Loh Medical and Atlanta Technology Angels.

When it comes to careers, business owners are a minority of the population. In conversations this week, I mentioned the statistics several times, and each owner I was discussing it with was surprised that they had so few peers. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), there are over 33,000,000 businesses in the US. Let’s discount those with zero employees. Many are shell companies or real estate holding entities. Also, those with fewer than 5 employees, true “Mom and Pop” businesses, are hard to distinguish from a job. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Association, lists businesses with 5 to 99 employees at about 3,300,000, and 123,000 have 100 to 500 employees (the SBA’s largest “small business” classification.) Overall, that means about 1% of the country are private employers. Owners are a small minority, a very small minority, of the population. Even if we only count working adults (161,000,000) business owners represent only a little more than 2% of that population. So What? Where am I going with this, and how does it relate to our recent discussions of purpose in business exit planning? It’s an important issue to consider when discussing an owner’s identity after transition. Whether or not individual owners know the statistics of their “rare species” status in society, they instinctively understand that they are different. They are identified with their owner status in every aspect of their business and personal life. At a social event, when asked “What do you do?” they will often respond “I own a business.” It’s an immediate differentiator from describing a job. “I am a carpenter.” or “I work in systems engineering,” describes a function. “I am a business owner” describes a life role. When asked for further information, the owner frequently replies in the Imperial first person plural. “We build multi-family housing,” is never mistaken for a personal role in the company. No one takes that answer to mean that the speaker swings a hammer all day. Owners are a Minority We process much of our information subconsciously. If a man enters a business gathering, for example, and the others in the room are 75% female, he will know instinctively, without consciously counting, that this business meeting or organization is different from others he attends. Similarly, business owners accept their minority status without thinking about it. They expect that the vast majority of the people they meet socially, who attend their church, or who have kids that play sports with theirs, work for someone else. There are places where owners congregate, but otherwise, they don’t expect to meet many other owners in the normal course of daily activity. This can be an issue after they exit the business. You see, telling people “I’m retired” has no distinction. Roughly 98% of the other people who say that never built an organization. They didn’t take the same risks. Others didn’t deal with the same broad variety of issues and challenges. Most didn’t have to personally live with the impact of every daily decision they made, or watch others suffer the consequences of their bad calls. That is why so many former owners suffer from a lack of identity after they leave. Subconsciously, they expect to stand out from the other 98%. “I’m retired” carries no such distinction.       This article was originally published by John F. Dini, CBEC, CExP, CEPA on


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