How Mary Kay Ash Built One of the Great Brands! Meet Jennifer Cook author of “Pass It on: What I Learned from Mary Kay Ash””


Date: March 25, 2022

Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time

Platform: Zoom

Click Here for Free Ticket:  Mary Kay Ash

In 1963, Mary Kay Ash opened a door of opportunity for millions of women when she founded her own company, Mary Kay Inc. Through her business model and actions as founder, Ash empowered women who wanted to take control of their own careers, while still being able to keep their faith and families at the top of their priority lists. In this passionate memoir, Mary Kay Museum director emeritus Jennifer Bickel Cook celebrates the international legacy of her friend, mentor, and boss-a woman whose incredible journey in faith shaped her own.

With color and vivacity, Pass It On: What I Learned from Mary Kay Ash shares Ash’s productivity habits, eccentricities, and Christian faith. From struggling single mother to founder of a successful Dallas-based company, discover how Ash lived out her personal ideology through the varied stages of her career in this in-depth close-up of the woman behind the makeup.


Jennifer Bickel Cook started her career at Mary Kay Inc. while earning a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English with Highest Honors from The University of Texas at Arlington. After graduation, she was hired full time by Mary Kay Inc. and shortly afterwards was appointed Mary Kay Ash’s Executive Secretary at the age of 24. She retired from Mary Kay Inc. in 2017 after a forty-five-year association with the company, working directly with Mary Kay Ash for twenty-five of those years. Her roles at Mary Kay included manager of her personal staff, director of the Mary Kay Museum, and director of The Mary Kay Foundation. She lives in the Dallas area with her husband and her fur persons. She has three grown children, three grandsons, and another grandson on the way. Pass It On: What I Learned from Mary Kay Ash will be Jennifer Cook’s debut title.


Updated: 10:11 am

About the author
Marc Kramer of Stress Free Family Business is a member of XPX Philadelphia

When the parents want to prepare their children to take over the business and/or when the parents and kids are fighting with each other and a cooler experienced head is needed.