Learn to Build a Powerhouse Brand from Marketing Whiz Chip Walker author “Activate Brand Purpose”



Date: November 5, 2021

Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time

Platform: Zoom

Questions : Chat

Free Ticket: Chip Walker

The greatest challenge facing leaders is activating and actioning purpose based brands to the people who matter inside the company and out. Recent statistics prove that more than 87% of consumers would purchase a product because a company advocated for an issue they cared about, and more than two-thirds would refuse to do so if the company supported an issue contrary to their beliefs.
We live in an age of activism – the conscious consumer is more socially aware than ever before, and this is reflected in their buying habits. Yet, activism on behalf of brands is lagging. While many claim to be ‘purpose driven’, far too often this purpose is relegated to a plaque above the CEO’s desk, and never goes any further. Or, worse, the ‘purpose’ is transparently used as a marketing ploy, but never acted upon in any real way.
Activate Brand Purpose shows readers how to transform their brand’s purpose into meaningful action by sparking a company wide cultural movement, beginning internally and permeating externally. Regardless of whether your purpose is lofty and socially conscious, or all business, focus on galvanizing people, and they will respond if you can prove that you care about that purpose, and that you’re working to realize it, rather than simply chasing the next dollar. This book contains a clearly explained, proven framework that will make this happen.


Chip Walker has built his reputation as a leading branding expert at some of Madison Avenue’s legendary advertising agencies. He’s been Chief Strategist at BBDO, Wunderman, Y&R and at Y&R’s BAV Consulting, home of the world’s largest and oldest database of brands. In his current role as Head of Strategy at movement marketing firm StrawberryFrog, Chip councils C-Suite leaders on problems ranging from finding brand purpose to activating it. His book Activate Brand Purpose: Leverage the Power of Movements to Transform Your Company will be published by Kogan Page in April 201.

Chip is a frequent speaker at some of the branding world’s major events – including Cannes Lions Festival, the Advertising Research Foundation, Sustainable Brands Conference and the Conference Board. His writing and opinions on branding have appeared in a wide range of publications over the years, from industry publications like Adweek and Admap, to mainstream business media like CNBC’s Closing Bell and the Chicago Tribune.

Updated: 3:37 pm

About the author
Marc Kramer of Stress Free Family Business is a member of XPX Philadelphia

When the parents want to prepare their children to take over the business and/or when the parents and kids are fighting with each other and a cooler experienced head is needed.