Owner Readiness Versus Business Readiness


Owner Readiness vs. business Readiness

Do you know what it means to “get ready” as an owner? And how is getting your business ready for exit different from getting yourself ready? Julie will help you understand the distinctions between these two types of “readiness” and explain why both are critical to a successful business exit strategy. You’ll also hear about market readiness and how it may not align with yours or your business’ readiness. You’ll learn about getting your own personal and financial house in order and creating a great Life-After-Business Plan. Maintaining a productive, fulfilling life is at the top of most sellers’ lists but many don’t have a plan for how they’ll achieve it. Julie will explain how you can avoid “failing” an exit, and how to assess how well your company has prepared you for retirement.

Our Speaker:

Julie Keyes, Founder – Keyes Strategies

Julie Keyes is the Founder of Keyes Strategies in Minneapolis, MN. specializing in Growth Strategy and Exit Planning for business owners with revenues of $5-30M. As a Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) with more than 28 years experience in business planning, development and management, she is committed to every client’s successful exit. She is an EPI faculty member and author who speaks to both business owners and advisors on the topics of Exit and Transition Planning

She has written a book called “Poised for Exit” and produces a Podcast show of the same name that compliment each other in providing solutions and best practices for privately held companies who need to plan for and implement a future business exit.

Program produced by XPX DC Metro.

Updated: Oct 12, 2021

About the author
Nathan Doty of PNC Private Bank is a member of XPX San Antonio
