What’s Your Competitive Advantage?


Every business owner wants a business of their dreams with lots of profits and cash flow. The problem is most business owners don’t follow a unified strategy to reach their business goals. It breaks my heart to see many business owners confused, frustrated and overwhelmed trying to figure out a strategy on how to drive revenue and profits higher. As we’ve discussed before, the number one weakness in a growing business is marketing.

I want to talk today about solving problems. We, as business owners and marketers, are so in-tune with the idea of promoting our solutions. But until we understand how our solution solves our client’s problem, we will never gain the traction in our business that we’re looking for.

Read more.

Updated: 10:06 am

About the author
Bill McDermott of The Profitability Coach is a member of XPX Atlanta

Business owners have a big vision for their company & want to move forward, but don’t know how. I help identify hurdles getting in the way & create a path to profitability they never thought possible.