Letter from the President

The Fourth Annual San Antonio Exit Planning Summit is underway! Welcome!

A sincere thanks once again to the San Antonio Business Journal for making this event possible along with Steven Bankler, CPA, Ltd.’s co-sponsor, The Rosenblatt Law Firm. Like last year, which was 100% virtual, making this event possible (both in person and virtual) in 2021 is a great achievement. I would like to thank the committee who assisted and planned this event. I also want to thank those professionals who volunteered and recruited clients for today’s panel discussions. 

The Exit Planning Exchange (XPX) San Antonio Chapter is a Texas non-profit educational association. We bring
together professionals who share one commonality: We each help business owners plan ahead for their grand business exit.

Privately held businesses continue to be tested like never before. Some were forced to close, others are still clawing their way back to normalcy, still others have found profit and success in ways they never have before. Despite these many differences, once constant remains: Every business owner will exit their business at some point. And whatever exit plan was (or was not) in place pre-pandemic, those same strategies may no longer work. 

Exit planning is critical. It’s also complex. No one advisor understands all the complexities of preparing for a
transaction, executing it, and embarking on the next stage. That’s why our membership includes accountants,
attorneys, appraisers, coaches, consultants, business brokers, bankers, insurance specialists, financial planners and wealth managers. XPX San Antonio is a place where these advisors come together to form cooperative working groups, helping privately held businesses exit their businesses successfully.

It’s through this forum—the XPX Summit—that we make our skills available to business owners across San Antonio. If you are within ten years of a planned transition from your business, the information our members will share today will help you along every step of the way. If you’re behind on planning and the past year revealed to you how unprepared you may be, we’re here for you, too. It’s never too late to consult advisors to help you understand how you can take control of your business succession and exit on your own terms. This forum—led by the advising members of XPX San Antonio—is a great first step.

Thank you for attending!

Steven Bankler, CPA, PFS, Cr.FA, CFF, CGMA
XPX San Antonio

Agenda & Program Videos

8:15 – 8:50: Registration

8:50 – 9:00: Welcome and announcements from XPX San Antonio President, Steven Bankler

9:00 – 9:40: “All in the Family” Bjorn’s Audio Video Home Theater

9:45 – 10:15: “Deal Caught Covid” Eldridge Electric

10:15 – 10:30: BREAK

10:30 – 11:10: “If At First You Don’t Succeed” Silber & Associates and Highland Commissioning

11:15 – 12:00: “Double ESOP Success” Alterman, Inc.

12:00 – 12:50: LUNCH

12:15 – 12:45: “Dismal D’s” Kimberly Ford, Carolyn Smith, James Rosenblatt and John F. Dini

12:50 – 1:00 BREAK

1:00 – 1:40: “Minority Becomes Majority” Vighter LLC

1:45 – 2:30: “Replacing Yourself” Baker Engineering & Risk Consultants

2:30 – 3:00: Afternoon Networking

"All in the Family" Bjorn Audio Video
"The Deal Caught COVID" Eldridge Electric
"If at First You Don't Succeed" Silber & Associates
"Double ESOP Success" Alterman, Inc.
"The Dismal D's" XPX Leaders
"Replacing Yourself" Baker Engineering
"Minority Becomes Majority" with Vighter LLC