Valuations & Financing Problems During The Pandemic


Carolyn Smith, Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy, Senior Partner – C3Financial


Kim Ford, CPA – theKFORDgroup
Jim Park, ASA – Munroe, Park, & Johnson, Inc.
Robert Potter, Executive Vice President, Lone Star Capital Bank
Tim Ramon, 3rd generation owner – JR Ramon & Sons

Program will include a presentation, interactive round table discussions and networking with other attendees.

Exit Planning & Implementation To 3rd Parties During The Pandemic


Kelly Foster, Attorney – Gardner Law Firm

Tim Geppart, CFO – Vaco
Tim Geppart, CFO – Vaco with client Bill Roberts, CEO of T&D Moravits & Co.
Steven Bankler, CPA -Steven Bankler CPA, Ltd with client Allen Devino, former owner of POS Solutions, LLC

Exit Planning & Implementation To Inside Parties During The Pandemic

John Dini, CMBA, CExP, CEPA – MPN, Inc.

Steven Bankler, CPA -Steven Bankler CPA, Ltd with client Jeremy Calvert, CEO – Vighter, LLC
James Rosenblatt, Attorney – Rosenblatt Law Firm with client Andrew Jett, President – Meritec Services

Program will include a presentation, interactive round table discussions and networking with other attendees.

Exit Planning & Implementation To Inside Parties During The Pandemic

Keynote Speaker:

Leslie Komet Ausburn, President/CEO – Komet Marketing Communications

Program will include a presentation, interactive round table discussions and networking with other attendees.