If you have ever traveled on the subway in London or the train system in England, I am sure you have heard the phrase “Mind the Gap” numerous times. “Mind the Gap” is the British version of the American admonishment “Watch Your Step.” The wording of the English warning was created in the late 1960s for the London subway system. The phrase alerted riders to be aware of the space between the platform and the train cars. This phrase is utilized almost ubiquitously around the world. As Sister Barbara Thompson wrote in “Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society”: “Many of us have gaps in our own lives. Sometimes it is the difference between what we know and what we actually do or the gap between our goals and what we actually accomplish. These gaps can be reminders of ways in which we can improve or, if ignored, can be stumbling blocks in our lives.” A Tool to Mind the Gap in Manufacturing How we “mind” the gaps in our business lives and in our personal lives can have a huge impact on our wherewithal in the future and how well we sleep at night. (A part of my “coffee” story.) At High Value Manufacturing